Author Index Page 7

Below is a listing of all of the articles on the SpecGram website, listed alphabetically by author.

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P Authors ^

P. of Eks
> Px—then what’s next?... Speculative Grammarian CXCI.4 March 2022
Paktphaq-Torr, M.
> Reviewerish Field Notes Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.2 February 2016
Palabras, Pablo
> The Dangers of Publishing Preliminary Findings Babel I.3 September 1990
Palin, Michael
> Center Embedding as Cultural Imperative (not contact-induced innovation) Speculative Grammarian CLIV.1 May 2008
Papi, H I A W
> Re: Choose Your Own Career in Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CLII.1 January 2007
Paplopogous, Andreas
> The Priority of Written Language Babel I.3 September 1990
Papnea, S. Lee
> A Complainogenic Model of Snoring Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.2 August 2018
Parameter, Marc P.
> Language Acquisition Device Found Speculative Grammarian CLI.2 April 2006
Parenchyma, Hilário
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart EPhonetics vs. Phonology Speculative Grammarian CLIII.1 September 2007
Parker, Katy Jo
> Texan for Linguists Speculative Grammarian CLXI.3 April 2011
Parsimoniae, Lex
> Occam’s Safety Scissors Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.2 December 2018
Paryadok, Bess
> Why Princes are not Scribes, and the Rat Eats Grain Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.λ Mid-April 2012
Past-It Professor
> X-Ing It Up: Meandering Musings of a Past-It Professor Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.3 January 2020
Pasto, James
> The Splendid Words Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.τ Mid-January 2019
Patterson, Tom
> Tileni Revisited Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.4 March 2021
Paul, Art
> The Words of the Prophets Are Written on the Restroom Walls... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.2 August 2018
Paulsen, Piotr Pablo
> Post-Prescriptivist Performance Piece Speculative Grammarian CLI.1 January 2006
Payne, Laura
> A Brief Puzzlicious Interlude Speculative Grammarian CLIX.4 September 2010
Pearce, Mary
> Christmas Carol Orthography Puzzle Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.1 November 2012
> Labiodental Flap Speculative Grammarian CLXV.1 July 2012
> Trilabial Bill! Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.4 June 2012
Pee, N.
> The semantics of noun specificity... Speculative Grammarian CXCII.4 March 2023
Peelo, Cathal
> The Dictionary of What Things Should MeanAccording to Non-Linguists Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.3 September 2018
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.4 August 2016
> Performance of “Close and Extended Relative ClausesA Critical Account” SpecGram Podcast February 2016
> Performance of “Fifty Grades of A SpecGram Podcast August 2013
> Performance of “Handbook for Linguistic Elicitation, Volume 28: Laziness and Inactivity SpecGram Podcast May 2013
> Performance of “On Some Acoustic Correlates of Isoglossy” SpecGram Podcast November 2013
> Performance of “On the Quantum Nature of Linguistic Fame—A Reply to Slater” SpecGram Podcast August 2013
> Performance of “Strings and Things: A Unificational Meta-Theory for All Linguistics” SpecGram Podcast July 2013
> The SpecGram Linguistic Advice Collective Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.1 September 2013
Pèl-Roig, Fillastre
> On Pseudo-PsiblingsA Good Start in Need of Significant Linguistic Improvements Which We Have Undertaken and Are Here to Report On Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.π Mid-April 2017
Pelirrojo, Hijastro
> On Pseudo-PsiblingsA Good Start in Need of Significant Linguistic Improvements Which We Have Undertaken and Are Here to Report On Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.π Mid-April 2017
Pelkey, Jamin
> Mandarin Tone in Historical Epic Quest Perspective Speculative Grammarian CL.4 October 2005
Pelota-Grande, I. Juana
> Linguistic Topology Speculative Grammarian CL.2 April 2005
> Normalized Independent Basis-Vector–Based Languages and the Dream of Just Universal Enough LanguagesA Reply to Nsiwander-Sic Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.3 February 2013
Pendek, Orang
> Lingo Jumble Speculative Grammarian CLVII.η July 2009
Peregusna, Vormela
> Linguistic Aspects of a Recent Curious Psychological Case Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.2 February 2017
Perkins, Ryan
> Overheard in the SpecGram Editorial Lounge Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.2 October 2014
Perle, Aloysius Vinicius
> A More Interesting Observation Than You a Response Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.3 August 2017
Perniquity, Pumptilian
> All dozing off, zoning or zenning out... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.3 September 2019
> All the notes, when my novel was sent back... Speculative Grammarian CLXXX.2 December 2017
> An analysis tedious of ‘wondrous’... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.3 September 2018
> By our seeking distinctions discriminable... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.4 June 2019
> Do elicit the type of the monger... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.3 May 2019
> From standing in loco parentis... Speculative Grammarian CLXXX.1 November 2017
> God’s Truth in Grammar Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.4 October 2018
> I muttered, “It’s 'ta.mi.əs 'stri.ə.təs”... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.2 April 2018
> I think that I shall never see... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.2 August 2018
> In school some linguists, mocking more... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.1 May 2016
> It seemed to Meillet on a bender... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.2 June 2016
> It’s known dogs are insipid and dumb... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.2 December 2019
> It’s not easy composing a triolet... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.2 June 2017
> Language and Word trashed some research... Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.4 April 2016
> Like hot dogs, in the summer grilled... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.1 November 2018
> A linguist named Jack was ambitious... Speculative Grammarian CLXXII.2 February 2015
> A linguist there was of the Old School... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.4 June 2020
> A linguist who sought to learn Navajo... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVII.4 December 2016
> A loanword I heard in अमरो- Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.1 September 2015
> Mission Statement Speculative Grammarian CXCII.3 December 2022
> My work on a language near Jatobal... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.3 November 2015
> My work on the causal because-clause... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.2 April 2019
> New Yorkers debate metrosexuals... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.3 January 2019
> An odd linguist with manner censorial... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.1 August 2020
> The OED’s note for the triolet... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.2 June 2017
> A prescriptivist, manner peremptory... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.4 October 2019
> A reference grammar’f Rotokas... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.4 August 2016
> Some fricatives hiss like a cat... Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.1 January 2014
> Statistical rigor’s no relevance... Speculative Grammarian CLXXX.4 February 2018
> A stop is a curious sound... Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.3 November 2013
> Strange trees they have in Cambridge Town... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.3 May 2018
> A student of Urdu named Linda... Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.4 December 2014
> That strange witch at Greenwich who haunted... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.4 June 2018
> There once was a bright Қазақ қыз... Speculative Grammarian CLXXII.3 March 2015
> There once was a gymnast phonologist... Speculative Grammarian CLXX.3 July 2014
> There once was a linguist from Phuket... Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.2 October 2013
> There once was a linguist named Beavis... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.3 October 2020
> There once was a linguist named Hallyer... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIII.3 July 2015
> There once was a linguist named Lindstrom... Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.3 November 2014
> There once was a linguist named Shlomo... Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.4 April 2014
> There once was a linguistic duo... Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.2 February 2014
> There once was a linguistics journal... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.1 November 2019
> There once was a mad syntactician... Speculative Grammarian CLXX.2 June 2014
> There once was a scurrilous gnome... Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.3 March 2014
> There once was a student of Cree... Speculative Grammarian CLXX.1 May 2014
> There once was a student of Quechua... Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.3 March 2016
> There once was a thinker contrarian... Speculative Grammarian CXCI.2 October 2021
> There once were two experts of Shona... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVII.1 September 2016
> Though the system of kin terms was bothersome... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.1 March 2018
> ’Tis most strange to behold such a thing... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.2 December 2018
> A title, seen browsing my interest... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.1 July 2018
> To many in our global age... Speculative Grammarian CXCII.4 March 2023
> Twinkle twinkle little star... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.3 August 2017
> Vowels are made as the tongue... Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.4 December 2013
> What it costs your prestige you must see... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.1 May 2017
> When funds for her research Liz sought her... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.1 January 2017
> When prescribing the graciousness she’d adore... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.1 March 2019
> When proposing five null morphs to follow paths... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.4 February 2019
> While pursuing Caucasianist schemes... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.3 March 2017
> With his nominalist thinking down pat... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.2 December 2018
> With my pate both addled and balding... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.1 March 2020
> Worn out by results insufficient... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.2 August 2019
> A young expat with voicing a-wobbler... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.4 October 2017
> A young linguist who worked on crustacea... Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.2 February 2017
Pertú, Eura U.
> The Etymology of Timothy Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.3 March 1993
> The Real Etymology of Timothy Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.2 February 2014
Perverbum, Solvi T.
> Why Princes are not Scribes, and the Rat Eats Grain Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.λ Mid-April 2012
Pervisor, Sue
> hours spent commenting... Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.3 January 2024
Peters, Amy
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLIII.2 November 2007
Peterson, David J.
> Classified Ads Speculative Grammarian CLIII.3 January 2008
> Collected Graphic Evidence Against the Existence of the Morphome Speculative Grammarian CLX.1 October 2010
> The Collected Wisdom of Linguists, Part Α Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.1 February 2012
> The Collected Wisdom of Linguists, Part Β Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.2 March 2012
> The Collected Wisdom of Linguists, Part Γ Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.3 May 2012
> The Conlanger’s Pasta Machine Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.3 March 2014
> Doing Fieldwork on Constructed Languages Speculative Grammarian CLIX.1 May 2010
> A Field at War: Curbing the Influx of Lexicalist Morphomes Speculative Grammarian CLX.1 October 2010
> Google Results Support an Anglo-Genesis Model of Language Degradation Speculative Grammarian CLXII.4 September 2011
> Handy Definitions for Newcomers to the Field of Linguistics Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca October 2009
> How to Pay for Linguistic Fieldwork Speculative Grammarian CLVIII.4 April 2010
> Inside SpecGram: A view from the front lines Speculative Grammarian CLIII.2 November 2007
> Language Death by Speaker RejectionA Few Case Studies Speculative Grammarian CLXV.1 July 2012
> Language Death by Speaker RejectionMore Case Studies Speculative Grammarian CLXV.2 August 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. I SpecGram Podcast March 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. II SpecGram Podcast March 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. III SpecGram Podcast April 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. IV SpecGram Podcast May 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. V SpecGram Podcast June 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. VI SpecGram Podcast July 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. VII SpecGram Podcast August 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. VIII SpecGram Podcast October 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. IX SpecGram Podcast November 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. X SpecGram Podcast December 2011
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XI SpecGram Podcast March 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XII SpecGram Podcast April 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XIII SpecGram Podcast May 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XIV SpecGram Podcast June 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XV SpecGram Podcast June 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XVI SpecGram Podcast July 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XVII SpecGram Podcast August 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XVIII SpecGram Podcast September 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XIX SpecGram Podcast October 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XX SpecGram Podcast November 2012
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVI.1 March 2009
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVI.2 April 2009
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVII.1 August 2009
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVII.2 September 2009
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVII.3 November 2009
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVIII.1 January 2010
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLIX.2 June 2010
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLX.2 November 2010
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXIII.4 January 2012
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.2 March 2012
> The Lexicalist AgendaExposing the Myths Speculative Grammarian CLIII.1 September 2007
> Lexicalist Sampson Found, Rescued Speculative Grammarian CLVII.2 September 2009
> Linguistics Manifesto Speculative Grammarian CLXI.2 March 2011
> Mad Libitum Speculative Grammarian CLVII.η July 2009
> Meet the SpecGram Editors Speculative Grammarian CLIX.3 July 2010
> A Menu for Linguists Speculative Grammarian CLVII.3 November 2009
> The Most Amazing Linguistic Concert Event of the 21st Century Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.1 February 2012
> NEOLOGA-1A Macrofactor Framework for Linguistics Disorders Speculative Grammarian CLXV.2 August 2012
> No Escape From the Bremley BumpDon’t Try Linguistic Analysis in the Privacy of Your Own Treehouse Speculative Grammarian CLVI.1 March 2009
> An Official Confession Speculative Grammarian CLVII.1 August 2009
> On the Correct Usage of the Ellipsis Speculative Grammarian CLX.2 November 2010
> On the Necessity of a Tri-Branching Corpse Speculative Grammarian CLI.β September 2006
> Per Legale Judicium Parium Suorum Speculative Grammarian CLXIII.3 December 2011
> Performance of “A 21st Century Proposal for English Spelling Reform” SpecGram Podcast January 2010
> Performance of “Doing Fieldwork on Constructed Languages” SpecGram Podcast April 2011
> Performance of “How to Do Fieldwork on Proto-Indo-European” SpecGram Podcast June 2010
> Performance of “The Linguistic Big Crunch” SpecGram Podcast December 2011
> Performance of “The Linguistic Big Rip” SpecGram Podcast December 2011
> Performance of “Linguistics Manifesto” SpecGram Podcast August 2011
> Performance of “The Linguistics Wars” SpecGram Podcast November 2010
> Performance of “Phonological Theory and Language Acquisition” SpecGram Podcast August 2010
> Performance of “Towards a Perfect Definition of the Term “Sign” ” SpecGram Podcast December 2010
> Performance of “What is Linguistics Good For, Anyway?” SpecGram Podcast May 2010
> Performance of “Where No Researcher Should Tread” SpecGram Podcast December 2009
> A Public Service Announcement Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.1 November 2012
> A Reanalysis of English Cat Speculative Grammarian CLVI.4 June 2009
> Remembering Better TimesA Letter from a Former Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXIII.4 January 2012
> Rethinking Social Sciences Under the Influence of N-Bar Theory Speculative Grammarian CLXV.4 October 2012
> Ruminating on Consonants Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.1 February 2012
> Simplificational Onomastics Speculative Grammarian CLVII.4 December 2009
> SpecGram and the WorldLetters from International Advisory Council of Speculative Grammarian Speculative Grammarian CLV.1 September 2008
> The SpecGram Linguistic Advice Collective Speculative Grammarian CLXVII.3 June 2013
> The SpecGram Linguistic Advice Collective Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.3 November 2013
> The Symptoms and Warning Signs of Framework Psychosis Speculative Grammarian CLV.2 November 2008
> Systematic Suppletion: An Investigation of Ksotre Case Marking Speculative Grammarian CLII.2 March 2007
> Ten New Commandments for Linguists Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca October 2009
> What is a Morphome? Speculative Grammarian CLX.1 October 2010
> Where No Researcher Should Tread Speculative Grammarian CLVI.3 May 2009
Pheevr, Q.
> The Wrathful Dispersion Controversy: A Canadian Perspective Speculative Grammarian CLI.1 January 2006
Phlegmson, Phineas
> Childhood Phonology Exposure Causes Bilabial Trills at Breakfast Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.3 August 2017
Phlembotaine, Velma
> On the Scientific Beautification of Personal Names: A Study in Experimental Phonosthetic Onomastics Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.1 January 2017
Phlogiston, Phineas Q.
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart INon-Configurational Languages Speculative Grammarian CLII.1 January 2007
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart BErgativity Speculative Grammarian CLII.2 March 2007
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart 3Morphological Typology Speculative Grammarian CLII.3 May 2007
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart IVStatistical Machine Translation Speculative Grammarian CLII.4 July 2007
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart ζPhysics vs. Physics Envy Speculative Grammarian CLIII.2 November 2007
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart זSynchronic vs. Diachronic Speculative Grammarian CLIII.3 January 2008
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart жThe Trouble with NLP Speculative Grammarian CLIII.4 March 2008
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart 九Lexicostatistics vs. Glottochronology Speculative Grammarian CLIV.1 May 2008
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart XIPrescriptivism vs. Descriptivism Speculative Grammarian CLIV.3 July 2008
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart 12Syllables Speculative Grammarian CLIV.4 August 2008
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart 13Langue vs. Parole Speculative Grammarian CLV.1 September 2008
> Cartoon Theories of LinguisticsPart 14Gricean Implicature Speculative Grammarian CLV.2 November 2008
> Performance of “Degenerative Grammar” SpecGram Podcast May 2016
> Performance of “The Devil’s Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics” SpecGram Podcast March 2016
> Performance of “Labyrinths & Linguists” SpecGram Podcast September 2015
> Performance of “Top Tips For LinguistsPart I” SpecGram Podcast April 2016
> Performance of “Top Tips For LinguistsPart II” SpecGram Podcast April 2016
> Tenth Anniversary Testimonials Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.2 February 2014
> “ ‘Variation in the English Indefinite Article’ by Tim Pulju”Reviewed by Don Mueang Changiand“ ‘Variation in the English Indefinite Article’ by Tim Pulju”Reviewed by Dr. Francis Narcía Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.1 September 2014
Phocaena, Horatio
> Is Manateean a Delphinic Creole? Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
Phonétique, Phrançoise
> Once there stood a man in God-knows-where... Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.2 October 2013
> There was once an old Phonetician... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.3 September 2018
> Velum, Velum, Little Thing Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.2 January 2013
Phore, Mattie
> Helpful Comparisons for the Confused Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.2 January 2021
The Phreeee-Phinkin’ Philosophers of Philologogia
> Bilabial Angel of Mwah Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.2 January 2021
> Hippotomia of Tyre Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.4 June 2019
Pill, Dr.
> The Symptoms and Warning Signs of Framework Psychosis Speculative Grammarian CLV.2 November 2008
Pine, Jacob Bartholomew
> Proper Phonetic Pedagogy: Field Notes from a Laboratory Science Speculative Grammarian CLXXX.2 December 2017
Ping, Ho
> Letters from Esperantoland Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.4 October 2019
Pisces, Pocus
> Veritas Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
Pisces, Porcus
> Pisces’ Playpen Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.2 February 1989
The Pitch Witch
> Young lady, I have a confession... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.1 September 2015
Plaid’oh, Fædrus Ϙ. Χ.
> “Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (Review)”by Robert E. Lee Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.1 September 2014
> On Google, Wikipedia, and The Development of The Internet Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca October 2009
> Doris Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.4 February 2020
> Mabel Speculative Grammarian CXC.1 April 2021
> Ted Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.3 September 2019
Plicable, Iain A.
> The Topology of Syntax Speculative Grammarian CLXXIII.3 July 2015
Plusrose, Étienne
> Universal Grammar: A Metatheoretical Approach Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.4 April 2016
Pocryphal, A.
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart I Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.4 June 2018
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart II Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.1 July 2018
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart III Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.4 February 2019
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart IV Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.2 April 2019
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart V Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIV.4 June 2019
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart VI Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.2 August 2019
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart VII Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.4 October 2019
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart VIII Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.2 December 2019
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart IX Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.4 February 2020
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart X Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.2 April 2020
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart XI Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.4 November 2020
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart XII Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.2 January 2021
> Good Enough for Folk EtymologyPart XIII Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.4 March 2021
Point, Juan
> Questions to Ask After Any Linguistics Talk Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.2 August 2019
Polarczik, Cynthia
> Toward a Universal Typology of Noun Phrases Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.3 February 1998
Politzer-Ahles, Steve
> How We Think About the Sounds of Chinese–Any Implications for Psycholinguistics? Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.1 November 2019
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CXCII.2 September 2022
> Meeting Regulations for the International Ambiguity Society/Société d’Ambigüité Internationale Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.4 November 2020
> Quick Tips for Linguists and the Linguistics-Adjacent Speculative Grammarian CXCI.2 October 2021
> Retrofuturological Linguistics, Part IThe Future of Linguistics as Seen from the Past Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.3 January 2024
> Retrofuturological Linguistics, Part IIThe Future of Linguistics as Seen from the Past Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.4 April 2024
> [sɜɹfsʌpdydz] Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.4 June 2020
Pop, Fom
> More Glimpses into the Collective Subconscious Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca October 2009
> A Strange Datum From Deep Onomastic Space Lingua Pranca June 1978
Popoi, O.
> The Classical Roots of South America Speculative Grammarian CL.3 July 2005
> A Classical Vignette Speculative Grammarian CL.2 April 2005
Porter, Rhea
> The CAPE of Good HopeHow Radical Lexicologists Restored My Faith in Humankind Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.2 April 2018
Poser, Bill
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVI.3 May 2009
Poulton, Lynn
> “Hoist ’er up and let ’er rip”: Androcentrism further Explored Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> It’s 2 A.M., Do You Know What Your RNA is Doing? Babel I.3 September 1990
> Sociohistorical Linguistic Semiotics and Systemic Theory: The Indo-Europeans Re-Examined Babel I.3 September 1990
Prater, Dyspepsia
> Reasons Not to Study LinguisticsPart I Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.1 July 2019
> Reasons Not to Study LinguisticsPart II Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.3 September 2019
> Reasons Not to Study LinguisticsPart III Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.1 November 2019
> Reasons Not to Study LinguisticsPart IV Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.3 January 2020
Pratt, Artemus Zebulon
> Amateur Hour at the Minas Morgul All-Ages Dance Club Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.4 March 2021
> Flush Times in Buffet City! Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.3 January 2019
> Hella Hellacious Diversions Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.4 April 2017
> It’s the Independent Scholar’s Life for Me, Boyo! Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.1 February 2012
> A Minim of Wine and a Minim of Confusion for Maximal Contusion Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.1 March 2018
> Revelations Sober and Ailing Speculative Grammarian CLXXIII.4 August 2015
Prickett, Davis
> The Grapholinguist Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.2 October 2015
> The Grapholinguist Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.4 December 2015
> The Grapholinguist Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.2 February 2016
> The Grapholinguist Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.2 June 2016
Priestly, Tom
> More Glimpses into the Collective Subconscious Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca October 2009
> A Strange Datum From Deep Onomastic Space Lingua Pranca June 1978
Probst, J.
> Be a Linguistics SurvivorOut-Think. Out-Publish. ... Out Cold. Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.3 May 2018
Psammeticus Quarterly
> Call for Papers Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> Linguistic News Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
Ptic (& Co.)
> Now Koine Greek must be your optic... Speculative Grammarian CXCII.4 March 2023
Pudding, Strawberry
> That language is combinatorial... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.4 November 2020
Pulju, Tim
> A 21st Century Proposal for English Spelling Reform Speculative Grammarian CXLIX.1 January 2004
> Also Sprach Zarathustra Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.2 January 1998
> Androcentrism in Linguistics Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> Arguments Against English Spelling Reform Babel I.3 September 1990
> Call for Papers Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> Call for Papers Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.3 February 1998
> Call for PapersInternational Dolphin Linguistics Society 12th Annual Plenary Congress on Cetacean Linguistics Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> The Capitol Area Linguistics League Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.2 February 1989
> Classified Ads Linguist of Fortune I.1 November 1990
> Classifying an Andean Language Babel I.2 April 1990
> Crossword Speculative Grammarian CLVI.2 April 2009
> Crossword Speculative Grammarian CLVI.4 June 2009
> Crossword for Indo-Europeanists Speculative Grammarian CLVII.η July 2009
> Diary of a Madman Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.2 February 1993
> Discourse Antipassivity in Indonesian Linguist of Fortune I.1 November 1990
> Discourse Functions of the Present Passive Participle in Ciceronian Oration Speculative Grammarian CLXVII.1 April 2013
> “Divine Unification Grammar”by Ǣlfgār λ. Garcia Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.1 September 2014
> Dup Evidentials Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993
> En arche en ho logos Babel I.1 March 1990
> English is the Original Language Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
> Epea Pteroenta Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.4 March 1998
> An Etymological Dictionary of Cognitive-Stratificational Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CXLIX.2 April 2004
> Fifty Grades of A Speculative Grammarian CLXV.1 July 2012
> First Names First Speculative Grammarian CLXIII.3 December 2011
> From the Editors Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> From the Editors Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.2 February 1989
> From the Editors Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.3 May 1989
> From the Editors Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
> “Gothic for Travellers”by A. Judzis, the Visigoth Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.1 September 2014
> Greek Particles Babel I.2 April 1990
> The History of Rome Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.2 August 2018
> The History of Rome Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.2 December 2018
> The History of the Indo-EuropeansAn Agony in Six Fits Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.4 December 2015
> How to Do Fieldwork on Proto-Indo-European Speculative Grammarian CLVIII.4 April 2010
> How to Spot Fabricated Data Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.3 March 1993
> I am a cowboy in the boat of langue Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
> Ik Qiþa Izwis Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.1 March 1997
> Inside SpecGram: A view from the front lines Speculative Grammarian CLIII.2 November 2007
> Is Manateean a Delphinic Creole? Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> Izzy as Pie Speculative Grammarian CLXIV.4 June 2012
> A Laboratory Test of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Babel I.3 September 1990
> Laborers Needed Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XVII SpecGram Podcast August 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XVIII SpecGram Podcast September 2012
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XXXVII SpecGram Podcast December 2014
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XXXVIII SpecGram Podcast December 2014
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XLIII SpecGram Podcast May 2015
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XLIV SpecGram Podcast May 2015
> Language Made Difficult, Vol. XLIX SpecGram Podcast January 2017
> Language Relationships? Speculative Grammarian CLXI.4 May 2011
> Language Reveals Origins of Divinity Speculative Grammarian CLIV.4 August 2008
> A Letter from the Publishers Babel I.3 September 1990
> Letter to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLIV.4 August 2008
> Letters to Atticus Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
> Letters to the Editor Babel I.1 March 1990
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXI.1 February 2011
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXV.1 July 2012
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXVII.2 May 2013
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.3 September 2018
> Look What The Postman Dragged In Babel I.3 September 1990
> © MCMLXXXVIII MMXVIII Speculative GrammarianA Tridecennial Celebration Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.1 November 2018
> Meet the SpecGram Editors Speculative Grammarian CLX.4 January 2011
> Moving Greek Letters Babel I.1 March 1990
> My World and Welcome To It Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993
> Ndaba Forms of Address Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> New Directions in the Teaching of Human Languages Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.2 February 1989
> “Noam Chomsky: Man or Myth?”Advertisement by The Greater Lansing Linguistics Association Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.1 September 2014
> Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.3 May 1989
> A Note on BORROWING Babel I.1 March 1990
> Old Professor Hockett World of Language I.2 February 1991
> The Original Language of Winnie-the-Pooh Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.4 March 1998
> Our Readers Mouth Off Babel I.2 April 1990
> Panel Discussion Announcement Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> Phonological Theory and Language Acquisition Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.2 January 1998
> Positions Available Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.3 May 1989
> Prescriptive LinguisticsThe Future of our Field Speculative Grammarian CLXIII.3 December 2011
> Presidential Speech Disorders Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> The Priority of Written Language Babel I.3 September 1990
> Progress Report #5: Advances in Neurolinguistic Technology Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.2 February 1993
> Publication Information Linguist of Fortune I.1 November 1990
> Publication Information World of Language I.2 February 1991
> Publication Information Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> Publication Information Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> Rating the World’s Languages World of Language I.2 February 1991
> Reader’s Forum Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.2 February 1989
> A Reconsideration of the Sino-Kiowan Problem Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.3 February 1998
> Reconstructed Proto-Franco-Sino-Indonesian: Eleven Examples Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.3 May 1989
> Refining Autosegmental Phonology Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> Regarding wombat Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> Relative Size of Broca’s Area and Facility in Speech Production Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993
> Review of Mathematical Games, Puzzles, and Fallacies by Sydney Lamb Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> Review of Pulju’s An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the History of Linguistics: Past, Present, Future Speculative Grammarian CLI.2 April 2006
> Review of Zhang, Jiannan, The Relationships between Processes and Participants in Chinese: A Cognitive Approach Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> The Role of Language in Telepathic Communication Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> Saussure and Bloomfield: The Question of Influence Gaugauh Kamadugha I.4 August 1991
> Saving French Discontinuous Negatives World of Language I.2 February 1991
> Scientific Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993
> The Semantics and Pragmatics of Voice Systems: A Functional Analysis by Carrie Cameron Babel I.2 April 1990
> Sez Me Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.3 February 1998
> The sg-indexSeparating the Wheat from the Chaff Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.3 July 2016
> A Short History of American Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CLV.ε October 2008
> Sic Orsus Vates Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.3 March 1993
> Sing to the Mountains, Sing to the Hills Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.4 April 1993
> Smart Chimp Languages, Inc. Speculative Grammarian CLXVII.1 April 2013
> A Sociolinguistic Study of Bilingualism in the Rio Grande Valley Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.3 February 1998
> A Stratificational Approach to Making Macaroni and Cheese Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> A Student’s Guide to the History of Linguistics Based on Example Sentences Speculative Grammarian CLXII.3 August 2011
> Ta men, ta de, te kai ta alla Babel I.2 April 1990
> Tagmemics of Stratificationalism Babel I.2 April 1990
> The Texas World Cultural Festival and Poetry Recitation Competition SpecGram Podcast November 2014
> To the Field Workers, to Make Much of Time Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
> Toward a Universal Typology of Noun Phrases Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.3 February 1998
> Towards a Perfect Definition of the Term “Sign” Better Words and Morphemes I.3 May 1991
> The Uncanny Science of Linguistic Reconstruction SpecGram Podcast July 2011
> Variation in the English Indefinite Article Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
> Viewer Mail Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.1 November 1988
> Vox Populi Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.3 May 1989
> With Apologies to Editor Emeritus Tim Pulju Speculative Grammarian CLXII.1 June 2011
Puntshlein, Watta
> Minimalism for Mimes Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.4 April 2016
Pur, Ima U.
> New Techniques in Language Learning Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993

Q Authors ^

Qoɣusun, Śūnyatā
> Tridekavalent Verbs of Telenovelity in Mydlováskji Speculative Grammarian CLIX.1 May 2010
Qondh, Stu
> So many things self-define... Speculative Grammarian CXCIV.1 July 2024
Quadi-Suebi, Marco Manni
> Word Search Speculative Grammarian CLVII.η July 2009
Quagga, Equus Q.
> Phonotronic Energy Reserves and the Tiny Phoneme Hypothesis Speculative Grammarian CLXII.2 July 2011
Quelle, Querman
> So Mark wrote first (say, 62)... Speculative Grammarian CXC.1 April 2021
Quine & Assoc
> Preliminary Report: Speculative Grammarian Speculative Grammarian CLXIII.3 December 2011
Quines, CJ
> Orthographically-Conditioned Morphology Speculative Grammarian CXCII.3 December 2022
Quing, Thị Mã
> Tea: Supreme Ruler of the Morphemes Speculative Grammarian CLXXIII.2 June 2015
Quinn-Sawyer, Parker
> Challenging the Gendering of Theoretical Constructs in Morphology Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.2 April 2020
Quinn, Basil
> Sliding Vowels Puzzle Speculative Grammarian CLXXII.3 March 2015
Quipley, Frank
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.4 October 2018
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.3 January 2019
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.4 October 2019
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.3 May 2020
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.4 April 2024
Quipley, Josh
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVI.3 January 2020
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CXC.4 Mid-July 2021
> Quipley’s Don’t Believe It! ... Or Do? Speculative Grammarian CXCII.2 September 2022
Quisquiss, Lex
> Linguacrostic Speculative Grammarian CLVII.η July 2009
Quixotic de la Lengua, Don
> Spanish sometimes goes with a « más que »... Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.4 March 2021
Qumkwaat, Saszkwacz
> Redundantly Multilingual Pretension Markers in BWFSEDPRCLCEE Speculative Grammarian CLV.4 February 2009

R Authors ^

Racz, Peter
> 20 Steps to Decide Whether You Should Take That Course Speculative Grammarian CLIV.4 August 2008
> An Introduction to Classical Generative Psychology Speculative Grammarian CLIII.4 March 2008
> SpecGram and the WorldLetters from International Advisory Council of Speculative Grammarian Speculative Grammarian CLV.1 September 2008
Radley, Milton B.
> No Escape From the Bremley BumpDon’t Try Linguistic Analysis in the Privacy of Your Own Treehouse Speculative Grammarian CLVI.1 March 2009
Ramachendra, Michael
> Language Reveals Origins of Divinity Speculative Grammarian CLIV.4 August 2008
Rankin, Robert L.
> The Linguist’s Self-Definer for Humanistic Greek and Latin Lingoand other terms Lingua Pranca June 1978
> On Some Acoustic Correlates of Isoglossy Lingua Pranca June 1978
Ransom, Elwin
> On the Applicability of Recent Theoretical Advances in Linguistics to the Practice of Fieldwork Speculative Grammarian CLIX.1 May 2010
Rask, Jacob
> PIE Is the Only Proto-Language Speculative Grammarian CXCIV.1 July 2024
Rearle, Johannes S.
> Theolinguistic Developments in Speech Act Theory Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIX.1 December 2020
Red White and Blue, Deacon
> EU Set to Standardise Diacritics Following Brexit Speculative Grammarian CLXXXV.4 October 2019
Ree, T
> Climbing the Walls Theoretical Trees Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.2 October 2023
Ree, Theo
> Ode to the Holy Trinity of Generativism, Role and Reference Grammar and Construction Grammar Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.2 October 2023
Reed, Dee
> L’Ishing du Gwujlang VIILusrveer Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.1 May 2016
> L’Ishing du Gwujlang VIIILusrveer Speculative Grammarian CLXXVI.4 August 2016
> L’Ishing du Gwujlang IXLusrveer Speculative Grammarian CLXXVII.4 December 2016
> L’Ishing du Gwujlang XLusrveer Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.2 June 2017
> L’Ishing du Gwujlang XILusrveer Speculative Grammarian CLXXXII.2 August 2018
> L’Ishing du Gwujlang XIIMịʀʀŏ̯яяịm Speculative Grammarian CLXXXIII.1 November 2018
Reed, G.
> Things Not to Write on Your Funding ProposalsPart I Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.1 August 2020
> Things Not to Write on Your Funding ProposalsPart II Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVIII.3 October 2020
Reed, Ishmael
> I am a cowboy in the boat of langue Psammeticus Quarterly XVI.4 August 1989
Reeve, Veronika
> Performance of “Fifty Grades of A SpecGram Podcast August 2013
> Performance of “Guidelines for the Behavior of Graduate Students of Phonetics” SpecGram Podcast June 2013
> Performance of “Linguist Sues Language Community” SpecGram Podcast July 2013
> Performance of “Linguistics and Television” SpecGram Podcast August 2013
Ռեֆ, Լեքս
> In Defence of the Lexome Speculative Grammarian CXC.2 May 2021
Reindl, Donald
> The Curious History of the Σπεκουλατορ Γραμματευς Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.3 March 1993
> The Etymology of Timothy Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.3 March 1993
> Indo-European Crossword Puzzle No. 1 Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.2 February 1993
> New Techniques in Language Learning Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993
> The Real Etymology of Timothy Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.2 February 2014
> Right Hemisphere Damage as a Result of Exposure to Slovene Humor Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.1 January 1993
> Spaz Attack in the Corner Speculative Grammarian CXLVII.3 March 1993
> Toward a New Classification of the European Languages Speculative Grammarian CXLVIII.2 January 1998
Ren, A.
> Who’s the greatest Saussure in the land?... Speculative Grammarian CXCI.3 December 2021
Rennt, R. Lola
> Just Friend? Speculative Grammarian CLX.2 November 2010
Resnik, Philip
> The Patented SpecGram 5 Minute Interview: Philip Resnik SpecGram Podcast May 2014
Retrof, Lex
> In Defence of the Lexome Speculative Grammarian CXC.2 May 2021
Rhaig, Colm
> Welsh has no analogue of a(n)... Speculative Grammarian CXCII.3 December 2022
Rhaig, Kim
> Consider now Welsh soft mutation... Speculative Grammarian CXCIV.1 July 2024
Rhopian, U.
> To My American Colleagues Speculative Grammarian CLXXXVII.2 April 2020
Rice, Paul G.
> G. Ricean Maxims for the Earnest Researcher Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.1 September 2015
Rick, Bish Ap
> Οὕτως-ism, a Linguistic-Ecclesiastical Schism Speculative Grammarian CXCIII.3 January 2024
Rinker, Theodore D.
> Tea: Supreme Ruler of the Morphemes Speculative Grammarian CLXXIII.2 June 2015
Riptoff, Priss K.
> To something I must now confess... Speculative Grammarian CLXXV.2 February 2016
Risman, Harris
> Brother, Can You Paradigm? Speculative Grammarian CLII.3 May 2007
Rizziani, Carlos L. P.
> The Cartography of the Derivation: A Brief History of the Louis and Clärque Expedition Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.3 November 2013
Robbins, “Basquin’ ”, III
> “Passive voice, schmassive voice!” Speculative Grammarian CXCII.3 December 2022
Roberts, Sean
> Language Evolution and the Acacia Tree Speculative Grammarian CLXII.4 September 2011
> Tenth Anniversary Testimonials Speculative Grammarian CLXIX.2 February 2014
Robinson, X. Pedition
> Be a Linguistics SurvivorOut-Think. Out-Publish. ... Out Cold. Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.3 May 2018
Robson, Callum
> Annyeong­haseyo!... Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.2 October 2014
> The Atishu Tribe Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.1 November 2012
> Degenerative GrammarOur Current State of Linguistic Degradation Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.4 March 2013
> Diet of Bilingualism Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.3 November 2014
> ⟨h⟩, the Little Grapheme Soldier Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.2 October 2013
> “Kore wa anata no hon desu ka?”... Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.3 November 2014
> LinguaDate Speculative Grammarian CLXVII.2 May 2013
> Linguistics and Television Speculative Grammarian CLXVI.4 March 2013
> One Hundred Words for Snowclone Speculative Grammarian CLXX.2 June 2014
> There was a fine linguist who wanted to sleep... Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.4 December 2014
> There was once was a linguist whose strong point wasn’t brevity, man I mean he could go on for a while!... Speculative Grammarian CLXX.4 August 2014
> To Shreds, You Say?The Impact of Poly-Catastrophic Mountaineering on Advances in Topographic Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CLXXXI.2 April 2018
Rodgers, Peter
> Letters to the Editor Speculative Grammarian CLVIII.1 January 2010
Rona-Ramalita, Ronald
> Review of New Approaches to Hedging Speculative Grammarian CLXXIX.1 May 2017
Ρωτικός, Ἐ.
> On the Sexiness of Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CLXXII.1 January 2015
Rousse, Belle-Fille
> On Pseudo-PsiblingsA Good Start in Need of Significant Linguistic Improvements Which We Have Undertaken and Are Here to Report On Speculative Grammarian CLXXVIII.π Mid-April 2017
R’Ron, Ronald
> The Lord of the Rings: A Fictlangy Ker-ching Speculative Grammarian CXC.3 June 2021
Rubin, Maraci
> Rizzoto Belletti Speculative Grammarian CLXVIII.2 October 2013
Ruhlen, Joseph
> The Language of Prehistory Speculative Grammarian CLI.4 October 2006
Rulls, Pru
> Make plurals by adding a -j... Speculative Grammarian CXCI.3 December 2021
Růŕskram­nnuũrgciwä, Cëŏjpruustcrêrt êe Âgriüsturttâiy Fuördrêost­sklanöukklėû
> Survey of Linguistic Evidence of Meta-Consciousness in Tier-19 Terran Primates Speculative Grammarian CLV.ζ January 2009
Ruth, T.
> I’ve tried just as hard as I’m able... Speculative Grammarian CXCI.4 March 2022
Ryals, Laura
> Barnyard Linguistics Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.3 November 2015
> Sleeping Furiously Since 1986 Speculative Grammarian CLXXI.4 December 2014
> Sleeping Furiously Since 1986Everyday Optimality Speculative Grammarian CLXXII.4 April 2015
> Sleeping Furiously Since 1986Hamlet Tries Praat Speculative Grammarian CLXXIII.4 August 2015
> Sleeping Furiously Since 1986Reduced Vowel Healthcare Speculative Grammarian CLXXII.2 February 2015
> Why Movies Should Hire Conlangers Speculative Grammarian CLXXVII.1 September 2016
> Young lady, I have a confession... Speculative Grammarian CLXXIV.1 September 2015
Rye, Justin B.
> A Primer in SF Xenolinguistics Speculative Grammarian CLIX.θ August 2010
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