Notso Yi, Eidetic Pronouns, Winodanugai, and “Deskwork”—Claude Searsplainpockets SpecGram Vol CLXIV, No 3 Contents An Introduction to Familial Linguistics—The Syntax and Grammar of Husband, Wife and Teenager—Herr E. Ditarie

The Collected Wisdom of Linguists, Part Γ

Aphoristically Conveyed from Ancient Sages

Collected and presented for your edification by
The SpecGram Council of Sages
including Jouni Maho, Bill Spruiell, Keith Slater,
Daniela Müller, David J. Peterson, and Trey Jones

In this third of three installments, we share with you the proverbial wisdom of ancient sages of philology and linguistics, honed and refined through the ages by the folk wisdom and common sense of the masses. Should you sense a contradiction, recall also that “Proverbs run in pairs.”

Notso Yi, Eidetic Pronouns, Winodanugai, and “Deskwork”Claude Searsplainpockets
An Introduction to Familial LinguisticsThe Syntax and Grammar of Husband, Wife and TeenagerHerr E. Ditarie
SpecGram Vol CLXIV, No 3 Contents