back- circumfix: unhealthy fascination with circuses; a cross inside a circle copula: when two people love each other very much... dative: adjective describing two people in a relationship dissimilation: not being truthful elative case: a joyful attache high vowel: a vowel used in Bavaria; a vowel with an ancestry isogloss: shiny cake frosting linguist: someone who speaks a lot of languages low vowel: any Dutch vowel; a vowel of dubious background metathesis: not properly a thesis, but an unprepared grad student will try to convince you it is minimal pair: me and my shadow morphology: remedy for insufficient phology OT: overtime parataxis: two taxis parole: when you get out of prison early progressive assimilation: trying to be like Michael Moore relativizer: a wedding rhoticity: the art of roasting chickens rime: a pretentious poem rounding: over- tag question: “Who’s ‘It’?” transcription: US Army’s new policy that allows them to draft citizens of other countries into service voicing: what you do when you slam the door on your foot |