From the Editors
Spring is in the air. Just as new life bursts forth outside our office windows, so do new ideas explode in the brains of our contributors.
Among the exciting new fields being explored in this issue are child language studies, sociolinguistics, and Finno-Ugrian. You won’t find these in any of the so-called “major” journals. Even better (as usual) are the articles by Tim Pulju and Keith Slater. We are also extremely pleased with the excellent work of our field correspondent in Eastern Europe, G. D. Duvkal, the first Western linguist to report on recent developments in a really weird Czech dialect. All in all, Vol. XVI, No. 3 is truly noteworthy.
Unfortunately, there is no cartoon from Porcus Pisces in this issue. The erstwhile satirist has been confined to Arkham Asylum after slapping a policeman in the face with a fat herring. Repeatedly. With luck, he will be out in time for the anniversary edition.
In spite of this sad development, we remain confident that you will love this edition as much as its predecessors. We certainly do.
Vox Populi—Letters to the Editor |
Ps. Q. Vol XVI, No 3 Contents |