Call for Papers—International Dolphin Linguistics Society Ps. Q. Vol XVI, No 1 Contents

Call For Papers

The Capital Area Linguistics Association proudly announces the introduction of its journal of research and theory, Psammeticus Quarterly. This publication will represent a major contribution in all areas of linguistic investigation, being intended to cross boundaries established by closed-minded dogmatists of all theoretical persuasions.


We really are starting this journal. However, keep in mind that articles should conform to the general type suggested by following (best-selling) titles:

Psammeticus Quarterly will be published periodically, whenever we receive enough articles. Please keep articles short to help hold down printing costs, and avoid making vicious attacks on individuals or particular theories. The editors reserve the right to reject articles deemed too offensive.

Articles should be typed on 8.5 X 11-inch paper. Do not number your pages. Put name, address, and phone number only on a separate sheet. If you want the article printed under an assumed name, please include this name on the name sheet.

Send all submissions to MANAGING EDITOR, PSAMMETICUS QUARTERLY, ROOM 1, INTERNATIONAL CENTER, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 48824. Copies of the journal will be made available on the sixth floor of Wells Hall, whenever they are ready.

[SpecGram editor’s note: Alas, Psammeticus Quarterly is no longer accepting submissions, but we decided to digitize this call for papers anyway, for its historical value. Submissions which would have been appropriate for Ps. Q. are also appropriate for Speculative Grammarian, and are welcome. See our submissions page for more details.]

Call for PapersInternational Dolphin Linguistics Society
Ps. Q. Vol XVI, No 1 Contents