Across 1. Trace amount 5. PBS docum. series, first episode was 8. MIT’s Dept. of 12. Theaters 13. Mother Tongue speaker? 14. Spanish trill 15. Back or raise (homonymy) 16. Kind of obj. 17. Westernmost Indic speakers 18. What you do to Equi-NP 20. Himalayan nation 22. Neither’s partner 23. Old English letter 24. President when Vol. 1 of The Handbook of American Indian Languages 27. August Wilhelm or Friedrich 32. Cope prefix 33. Anti-pollut. org. 34. Wonder 35. Certain pronouns 38. Like some variation 39. Umlauting plural 40. Roman household god 42. Chomskyan maxims? 45. “Go postal” and 49. Strong preterite, 50. Given 52. ____-Altaic (19th- 53. Proto-World speaker? 54. Where Caddo, Mikasuki, and Tubatulabal are spoken 55. Rumbaughs’ first pupil 56. Na-____ family 57. Berlin’s partner 58. “Now ____ me down to sleep” |
Complete the crossword and send your solutions to the editors of SpecGram by May 15th, and you could win a SpecGram magnet of your choice. The correct solution and winners, if any, will be announced in the upcoming June issue.
Speaking of completing crosswords and winning prizes, the folks below completed Lila Rosa Grau’s “SpecGram Crossword for Devoted SpecGram Readers and other Linguists and Researchers” (solution at right). Each will receive a SpecGram magnet of their choice.
Congratulations to this month’s winners!