Apollo 11 and Generative Grammar—Phyllis Fabergé SpecGram Vol CLXXXV, No 3 Contents Ted—Plato

Reasons Not to Study LinguisticsPart II

Compiled by Dyspepsia Prater and Cynnie Sizzum
X. Quizzit Korps Center for Advanced Collaborative Studies

Linguists, generally, try to encourage others’ interest in their field with enticements such as, “linguistics helps us understand the human condition”; “every language provides a unique view of the mind”; “linguistics empowers people”; “you can work in translation, interpreting, foreign language teaching, the tech industry, fieldwork, etc.” Blah, blah, blah. You see, no matter how exciting a field seems, there’s someone out there who is sick and tired of putting up with it.

Rather than promise nothing but unicorns and rainbows, we’ve searched far and widein faculty lounges and grad library carrels, in cushy academic conferences and privative fieldwork conditionsto uncover the reasons people give for being fed up with their particular linguistic and linguistics-adjacent field.

So, enjoy Part II of our series on reasons not to study linguisticsor don’t.

More to come...

Apollo 11 and Generative GrammarPhyllis Fabergé
SpecGram Vol CLXXXV, No 3 Contents