A Brief Puzzlicious Interlude
with John Miaou and Laura Payne
This month we have two mini–rebus-like puzzles for your mini–rebus-like amusement.
To start, John Miaou has provided a second Language Identification Puzzle, given at right. Also, the following folks completed the first Language Identification Puzzle, (the answer is Hixkaryana, which, importantly, is OVS) and will be getting SpecGram magnets for their efforts: Adam Bernard, Anita Hammond, Elke Karan, Ken Mallot, and Philip Newton. Congratulations to all!
To continue, the following people completed the Out-of-this-World Fieldwork Puzzle #1, and will also receive a SpecGram magnet for their fine work: Dan Bryan and Adam Bernard. An example of an optimal solution to the puzzle is as follows: You and Fluffy cross; you return. You and a Hinxdolr warrior cross; you and Fluffy return. The Hinxdolr leader and a Hinxdolr warrior cross; the Hinxdolr leader returns. The Hinxdolr leader and Glectorsh leader cross; the Glectorsh leader returns. You and Fluffy cross; The Hinxdolr leader returns. The Hinxdolr leader and Glectorsh leader cross; the Glectorsh leader returns. The Glectorsh leader and a Glectorsh warrior cross; you and Fluffy return. You and a Glectorsh warrior cross; you return. You and Fluffy cross; done!
To finish, Laura Payne has provided a self-referentially rebus-like variation of a well-known idiom, given at left. Can you guess what it is?
As a post-script: We won’t be giving out any prizes for these puzzles, but we still hope you enjoy them. Solutions will be provided in an upcoming issue.
Draw Me a Linguist—Aster E. O’Gnosis and Margo Llicso |
SpecGram Vol CLIX, No 4 Contents |