There once was an X from place B,
Who satisfied predicate P,
The X did thing A,
In an adjective way,
Resulting in circumstance C.
—Anonymous, the Formal Semanticist
In Glaswegian stops oft are heard
And young ladies are often called “burd”
But across in the East
Far from Ayr and Dumfries
“Like” is the phrase-final word.
—Col. O. Nihilist
Polyglots have the cure to it all,
Hurry up and become multilingual!
It enhances your brain
You find jobs with no pain
And you’re envied because you are special.
—Cailín na Luimní
There once was a scurrilous gnome
Who both near and far took to roam.
Woe spread as he’d stroll,
Yet he said, “I’m no troll,
For under Cam Bridge I’ve no home.”
—Pumptilian Perniquity
Pronouncing an “ough” is quite tough,
Although less than eating ham hough.
Non-natives can cough,
And through it just plough,
And claim that they had to hiccough.
—Κόμμα Ο᾿Κῶλον