Money-Making Titles Series—Book Series Announcement from Psammeticus Press SpecGram Vol CLII, No 3 Contents FonoNurikabe—Trey Jones

Cartoon Theories of Linguistics
Part 3—Morphological Typology

Phineas Q. Phlogiston, Ph.D.
Unintentional University of Lghtnbrgstn

No need for an introduction, it was covered in previous installments (on non-configurational languages and ergativity).

Instead, let us proceed to the next chapter of our Cartoon Theories of Linguistics. I have provided the following cartoonish exegesis of morphological typology for your edification:

Up next: Statistical Machine Translation.


D with Upper-left Hook
  1. Baker, Mark. (1988). Incorporation: A theory of grammatical function changing.
  2. Baker, Mark. (1996). The polysynthesis parameter.
  3. Comrie, Bernard. (1989). Language universals and linguistic typology (2nd ed.).
  4. DeFrancis, John. (1990). The Chinese Language: Fact and Fantasy.
  5. Evans, Nicholas, & Sasse, Hans-Jürgen. (2002). Problems of polysynthesis.
  6. Eyuboğlu, İsmet Zeki (1991). Türk Dilinin Etimoloji Sözlüşü.
  7. Lewis, Geoffrey. (2001). Turkish Grammar.
  8. Payne, Thomas E. (1997). Describing morphosyntax: A guide for field linguists.
  9. Penny, Ralph. (1991). A History of the Spanish Language.
  10. Püsküllüoğlu, Ali. (2004). Arkadaş Türkçe Sözlük.
  11. Skorik, P. Ja. (1961). Grammatika čukotskogo jazyka: Fonetika i morfologija imennyx častej reči (Vol. 1, p. 102).
  12. von Humboldt, Wilhelm. (1836). Über die Verschiedenheit des menschichen Sprachbaues und ihren Einfluß auf die geistige Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts. Berlin: Königliche Akadamie der Wissenschaften.

Money-Making Titles Series—Book Series Announcement from Psammeticus Press
FonoNurikabe—Trey Jones
SpecGram Vol CLII, No 3 Contents