This paper you’ve given to me
Is as far from the truth as can be.
It has artful syntax,
But meaning it lacks:
Was it written by GPT-3?
—Pete Bleackley
My brother’s fave dialogue’s Phædo
And his fave Star Wars character’s Greedo.
Now that’s pretty bad,
But there’s worse to be said:
He only speaks Klingon and Ido.
There once was a thinker contrarian
Who claimed that what we call Sumerian
Was a programming language
For old flood control tankage
With a manual writ’n in Bulgarian.
—Pumptilian Perniquity
I wish I had known Ludoviko
And considered him mia amiko.
Though he went with Germanic
For knabo, no panic;
He’s still a most excellent chico.
—Lo-Lo Zow
If someone thinks colourless green
Ideas sleep furiously then
There’s no point engaging
As they’ll answer, raging,
“But what can you possibly mean?”
—Bertha the Cake Cuddler
The accusative -n termination
Is a neat little piece of creation:
A regular, neat
Zamenhovian feat
Which needs little to no explanation.
—Sam ’n’ Hoff