Language Relationships?
by Tim Pulju
1. Parisian’s picnic spot
5. ____ Lanka
8. Potent prefix
12. Lamb (Charles, not Sydney)
13. Aphetic contraction
14. Not subordinate
15. Omnia vincit
16. Center of kinship diagram
17. Hill dwellers
18. SpecGram specialty
20. Fin follower
22. Modern Macedonians, linguistically speaking
26. Carl Sagan’s name for people of the American Southwest?
29. Consumed
30. Bosh!
31. Arabic-speaking seaport
32. Characteristic emotion of Q-Celts?
33. Wait a while
34. Everett or Slobin
35. Numero ____
36. Belief (held by former CIA chief?)
37. Language family of Dorothy Parker and friends?
40. Hindi’s fraternal twin
41. Turn or traffic
45. Thought
47. Sick
49. Top quality
50. Don’t bring it to Newcastle
51. Where to catch children
52. Pillage
53. Delaware ones are blue
54. Affirmative
55. Before European
1. Mass noun reanalyzed as plural
2. ____ mater
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3. Act to be read aloud
4. Language family known for anthropophagy
5. Carnegie’s concern
6. Deepwater Horizon was one
7. Basque or Burushaski
8. Muscat man
9. Language of Florida arboriculturists?
10. Creature of little wit
11. Outs’ converse
19. Don’t walk, ____!
21. Exist
23. Loup-_____ (Lon Chaney, par exemple)
24. It might be bounding
25. Let it stand
26. Non-native his syntax is
27. Magyar’s maternal mountains?
28. Oto-________
32. Linguistic _________
33. Ochocinco’s language?
35. SIL’s Souian-speaking campus?
36. Language family known for binding principle?
38. Exams for grad students
39. Can be British or desert
42. The ninth hour, etymologically
43. Goes with a wink
44. Delian mom
45. ____ bin ein Berliner
46. Before ray and me
48. Soap ingredient
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If you can complete the crossword and send your solutions to the editors of SpecGram by June 15th, 2011, you could win a SpecGram magnet of your choice. The correct solution and winners, if any, will be announced in the July issue of Speculative Grammarian.
The solution to March’s very challenging Just In Case Crossword is at right. The prize-winning puzzlemeisters below will each receive a SpecGram magnet of their choice.
• Bryan Allen
• Sara Kessler
• Kristin Kopf •
In addition, the following puzzlemeisters receive honorable mentions (Oh, the glory! The glory!) for nearly completing the puzzle!
• Luise Dorenbusch
• Adam Hesterberg •
The Boy Who Stuttered Wolf—A Linguistic Tale of Caution Among the Tʷɪči—Claude Searsplainpockets & Helga von Helganschtein y Searsplainpockets |
SpecGram Vol CLXI, No 4 Contents |