This summer I set out to do some introductory fieldwork on an endangered minority language in Mexico of possibly Slavic origin, called Mydlováskji by its speakers, and referred to as simply lengua eslávica, “Slavic language” or lengua Ruski, “Russian language”, by the local Spanish-
First, a word about telenovelas, which are Spanish-
To the uninitiated, the appeal of the telenovela and the dependency it creates in millions of viewers can seem baffling. Story lines are implausible, characters can be cartoonish and the endings are invariably happy.
“The plot is always the same,” said Patricio Wills, head of development at Telemundo. “In the first three minutes of the first episode the viewer already knows the novela will end with that same couple kissing each other. A telenovela is all about a couple who wants to kiss and a scriptwriter who stands in their way for 150 episodes.”
“Plot Twists for Genre: Novelas Make English-Language Inroads, But Will Appeal Get Lost in Translation?”
Luis Clemens, Multichannel News, 10/15/2006
Indeed, I found the telenovelas watched by my host family to be simultaneously emotionally riveting and intellectually stultifying. The plots all follow the same basic schema. A pair of star-
The Mydlováskji speakers are often away from home, working on the off-
je Xóchitl “It’s Xóchitl.” je Quique “It’s Quique.”
For several days when I first arrived, these were the only utterances I was able to record in Mydlováskji. The rest of the time the family spent watching the TV with rapt attention. On the third day, however, I recorded this amazing utterance:
telenůvělářujou Xóchitl Quique Toñi Güicho Genita Chuymonchi Menchu Paqui Pepelu Juanpi Malala Chejo Chago
The rough translation is: “Xóchitl and Quique are in love; Toñi and Güicho are Xóchitl’s disapproving, hardworking, underprivileged parents; Genita and Chuymonchi are Quique’s disapproving, snobbish, overprivileged parents; Menchu and Paqui are Xóchitl’s close amigas or sisters, Pepelu and Juanpi are Quique’s close amigos or brothers; Malala is the nosy neighbor or co-
The plots of the most popular telenovelas are sufficiently similar that this tridekavalent verb (the roles of which I have analyzed as being two subjects, four primary objects, four secondary objects, two tertiary objects, and one ultimatiary object) can be productively applied to bring any Mydlováskji-
Verbs of such high valency have been, until now, utterly unheard of, and it remains to be discovered whether this innovation is restricted to Mydlováskji speakers in this barrio, or if it is known and used by other speakers of the language, if in fact there are any. It is also still not known whether Mydlováskji is in fact a Slavic language brought to Mexico by European immigrants, or merely a “Slavic-
Unfortunately, such questions will likely not be answered by me. I am currently in the final round of funding by the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts. If my proposal is accepted, as now seems likely, I will be partaking in an installation of “performance art” at the MOMA consisting of a recliner and television equipped with a satellite dish to receive the Telemundo and Univision channels. I will watch telenovelas eight hours a day, as a commentary on popular culture, globalization, and the capitalistic exploitation and incipient deculturation of the Mydlováskji-