From the Editors Ps. Q. Vol XVI, No 1 Contents Linguistic News


Dear Editors—
   I have thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every issue of Ps. Q. (at least since I discovered it in 1985 and subscribed). Nowhere else have I found such consistently insightful articles, penetratingly incisive in their analyses of multivarious linguistic issues. Each installment brings new joy to my teaching and research.
   All the while, however, I have puzzled over one important issue, and now I can stand it no longer. I must ask: Who is the man himself? Who is Psammeticus? For the benefit of the scholars of the world, many of whom read these pages faithfully, please tell us!

Dear P.,
   The scholars of the world already know.

* * *
   I was intrigued by the recent article by Mr. Slater which presented a case for English as an ergative-absolute language. I myself have been working on anti-passives in English, and I find that my results tend to support his conclusions. The only quarrel I have with his article is that I think he mistranslated the text on page 24, where the form /loDnI’/ was glossed as ‘cousin’ rather than the correct ‘brother’.
            Marc Okrand

Dear Mr. Okrand:
   Upon researching your claim, we found that our informant speaks a rare and little-known dialect. For the standard dialect, /loDnI’/ does in fact mean ‘brother’; however in the context of the data presented in the article, it is correct as glossed.

* * *
To the editors,
   In recent issues you have poked good-natured fun at both me and systemic-functional grammar. I appreciate the attention and am not offended. But I do think that in upcoming volumes (starting with, say, Vol. XVI), you could make fun of someone else for a while.
            Michael H.

To H.,

* * *
   This has to be the most ridiculous excuse for a scholarly journal ever. The articles are idiotic, inane, senseless and just plain wrong on their conclusions. When I subscribed to Ps. Q., which by the way doesn’t even come out on a quarterly basis, I thought I would be receiving something more than this trash. It’s almost as if you meant the whole thing to be a joke.
   I herewith cancel my subscription to your rag.

Hey U.,


Psammeticus Quarterly is a publication of the Capital Area Linguistics Association. It is printed by the Owens Press, located in Rooms 425 and 426 Owen Graduate Center. (The current number was prepared with the assistance of graphics consultant Eric Pfeiffelman.)

The cover price is $.50 an issue. The amount charged does not completely defray printing costs, but it’s a nice even figure. Subscriptions may be purchased at the following rates.

Institutional—$42.37 for 17 issues.

Professional—$92.44 for 23 issues.

Student—$500.00 (cheap) for 3 issues.

Ps. Q. is also available in a Spanish language edition, but only in France. Go there if you want one.

Psammeticus Quarterly
equal opportunity

From the Editors
Linguistic News
Ps. Q. Vol XVI, No 1 Contents