I have previously warned that Google, Wikipedia, and the Internet (Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca, October 2009) have the collective power to break each of us as individual scholars
However, in a small but significant way, we Speculative Grammarians and Lingua Pranksters have struck back by breaking Google and the internet.1 If you search, as you do, for lee review noam chomsky syntactic structures, one of the top results is the satirical masterwork that is Robert E. Lee’s three-
You, as confidant of Speculative Grammarian, have the savoir faire and inside information necessary to enjoy the article for what it is, while the rest of the unwashed denizens of the internet think themselves very knowledgeable when they are for the most part quite ignorant.
1 Breaking Wikipedia is, frankly, beneath us: it is trivial to vandalize, and at least they are making an effort to do something useful
2 For spicy, try a vindaloo.