*Editorial note Editor: I neither wrote nor submitted the letter attributed to me in Vol. I.2 of your journal. In fact, for all you know, I didn’t even write this one. I am seriously disturbed by the lax standards which permitted publication of a spurious document. Let me say, for the record, that I have never met Bill Spruiell; I have no evidence that he is an abuser of alcohol; and last, I am not now nor have I ever been associated with the Peace Corps. I am English. There is no Peace Corps in England.
P.S. You will note that I do not live in Ploughville, England. To my knowledge there is no such place as Ploughville, England.
Dear Professor Renfrew,
Even if you did not write the above letter, we are sure that it must accurately reflect your sentiments. Please accept our assurance of shared disregard for Tim Pulju.
There is no one named Jim Stowell listed in the Cambridge, Massachusetts, phone book. Moreover, it is entirely certain that the Cambridge linguist whose name is quite similar to “Jim Stowell” did not write the letter attributed to Jim Stowell. I’m not sure what you’re trying to pull here, but whatever it is, please cut it out.
Sign me
Dear Concerned, Once again, it’s all Tim Pulju’s fault. We hope that his tongue cleaves to the roof of his mouth, and all his crops wither and die, and one tenth of his cattle die, and so on. |
Dear WLS,
Georg Strudelfest’s article, “Language: The Failure of Modern Philosophy” (Vol. I.2), is yet further evidence of the author’s inattentiveness to major philosophical trends of our day and his general unfitness as a scholar. Since I am familiar with his previous work, I was saddened but not surprised to find that Strudelfest completely ignored the work of the neo-
Antoine Jomini
I would like to comment on Zoltan Lazar’s review of Carrie Cameron’s book on voice systems. I have not read Cameron’s book, but I have read Lazar’s book on voice in Hungarian. In his review, Lazar comments that either he or Cameron’s informant must speak a weird dialect, since their respective grammaticality judgements almost never agree.
Cameron’s informant’s dialect may indeed be degenerate, as are most dialects nowadays
Ferenc Kazinzcy