International Entomological Linguistics Society
IELS will hold its annual business meeting and
symposium on Acre 57, Tract 100,253,006 of Amazonia State,
Brazil, October 17-22, 1998. As usual, paid-up members of
the society are urged to submit papers on any suitable
topic. The following is a list of suitable topics:
- Arthropodological linguistics
IELS is also pleased to announce that the following
invited lectures will be presented at the meeting:
- Evidence for the recessiveness of honey bee dancing versus
African bee dancing in creole (John Kilerby)
- I am a great linguist (James Grant Carmichael)
- Language and pupating among Luna moths (Diana Selene)
- Why grasshopper no talk good English (David Carradine)
- The language of denigration: Arachnids as "Bugs" in
Heinlein's Starship Troopers (Juan Rico)
- What is making that annoying buzzing noise? (Leonard Nimoy)
- A fresh perspective on human/cockroach communication (Franz
Due to incidents of inappropriate behavior at previous
IELS meetings, the Board of Governors has been forced
to promulgate the following code of conduct for all
attendees at this year's conference.
- Mantises are asked to please refrain from eating other
- Ladybugs are reminded that conference fees cannot be
refunded for anyone who leaves early citing "a domestic
- Wasps from different Indo-European countries must
promise not to get into arguments over the correct order of
the phonemes /p/ and /s/ in their name.
- Human linguists must pledge not to:
- step on anybody
- swat anybody
- spray anybody
- imprison anybody in a specimen jar, and above all
- stick a pin through anybody and mount him/her on a piece
of paper or a pegboard (even if the victim is a really rare
species who could fetch thousands of dollars on the
international beetle market)
- Out of politeness, bees should not sting humans who are
allergic. Ask first. If they're not allergic, go ahead and
sting 'em if you want to; it's your funeral.
Poetry Corner--Keith Slater |
SpecGram Vol CXLVIII, No 3 Contents |