Collected all in one place for your brain-teasing pleasure, below is a list of the currently available linguistically themed puzzles and games that have appeared over the years in SpecGram and related publications.
Acrostics | Anagrams | Choose Your Own Career | Crosswords | Cryptic Crosswords | Cryptograms | Domino Puzzles | Drop Quotes | EtymGeo™ | Fieldwork Puzzles | FonoFutoshiki | FonoNurikabe | HanjieLinguru | HashiWordakero | HitoriGuistiku | HomonimoKakuro | Interactive Fiction | IPA Code Puzzles | IPAlindromes | Language Identification | Latin Squares | LingDoku | Ling-Ken | L’Ishing | Logic Puzzles | Mad Libitum Games | Magic Squares | Masyu Ortograpiu | Math Puzzles | Miscellaneous Puzzles | Mix & Match | Move-αnαgrαms | Nerdword’ll | Nihonese Puzzles | Polyglot Puzzles | Pseudo-Q | Rasmus Rask Puzzles | Rebuses | Sliding Puzzles | Sudoku | Summer Puzzle Mega Issue | Συυιτχεροο | Transform Puzzles | Trickle Down Linguonomics | Visual Puzzles | Word Ladders | Word Puzzles | Word Searches