t |
“pin” |
“teen” |
| |
“neat” |
“in” |
“teepee” |
“pit” |
Mary Shapiro
Truman State University
This “Ling-Ken” puzzle can be completed using only the IPA symbols /i, ɪ, p, t, n/.
Each symbol can be used only once per row and per column.
Each shaded area contains the symbols needed to write the given word in phonemic transcription. (In actual pronunciation (phonetic), some aspirated stops and nasalized vowels would occur.) The symbols may appear in any order within the shaded area for the word. One symbol has been placed in the table to get you started.
If you think you can solve the puzzle, send your solutions to the editors of Speculative Grammarian by February 15th, 2010. You could win a SpecGram magnet of your choice. The correct solution and winners, if any, will likely be announced in the upcoming March issue.
More Self-Actualization for Linguists—Book Announcement from Panini Press |
SpecGram Vol CLVIII, No 1 Contents |