If you are anything like me, you are both an avid reader of SpecGram (I’ve been a subscriber since 1946!), and not a big fan of all those complicated “pseudo-
*Terms and conditions apply. Correctly completed puzzles submitted to the SpecGram offices or electronically transferred by email on or before March 15th, 2009 will be entered into a prize drawing. One or more submitters of such puzzles with be awarded a SpecGram magnet of dubious value. Void where prohibited. Your mileage and/
Across 1 SpecGram editor Keith 7 The lesser known journal, Linguistic Inquiry, for short 9 Testing that unfairly discriminates against un- 11 abbrev. for senhor, senior, señor, and sir 13 ___ Pranca 14 Psammeticus Press journal series, Linguistica __ 15 SpecGram editor McBastard 17 What most linguistics grad students are not at 7:55 am, even though they have an 8 am “Advanced Topics in Syntax” class 18 Animalistic morpheme 20 Said when the only existing copy of your dissertation catches fire 21 Not to be confused with 12 down 22 iff: __ and __ if (you do remember those logic classes don’t you?) 25 Nahuatl speaker of the 27 Psammeticus Quarterly, abbrev. 29 “Masyu Ortograpiu __—Linguistic Boogaloo”, 30 PIE- 31 /ə tu lɛtɚ wɚd/ 32 Latin parallel of letter between ᛋ and ᛒ in the Anglo- 33 What understanding and comprehension do in phonology class, to those not meant to be linguists 36 Filler-__ dependency 38 Broca’s __ 40 No, not a disdainfully ironic loaf! 42 People of the hanging coffins 44 An inappropriate word for what your linguistic informant does 45 The fourth of seven canonical hours; when many linguists eat lunch 46 Fiery morpheme 48 Change or charge, abbrev. 51 Sumerian sun god 53 What computational linguists do with their programs 57 “Etymology of Timothy“ author, 60 English suffix having a diminutive or pejorative force, as in wast__ 61 A morpheme at a whole nother level 62 Ima’s sister, “Umpteen” author, 63 One of the non- 65 French I 67 An alternate name for an unusual typology 68 Bad morpheme 70 How a descriptive linguist feels after attending an organic chemistry lecture 72 Only living lg. descended from the western dialect of Aramaic 73 Pouch rodent, after Pulju 1991, 76 Transcription of Hangul 77 Blue, but [+snooty] 79 Latin parallel of letter between 𐌱 and 𐌳 in the Gothic alphabet 80 One who badmouths with fancy words 82 “Ta men, ta de, te kai __”, according to Babel’s Editor-in-Chief 84 Average distance to PhD completion 85 Latin parallel of letter between Σ and Υ in the Greek alphabet 86 First person accusative singular pronoun 87 Rare dialectal variant of phooey |
Over there on the right is the solution to the third and, at least for now, final installment of HanjieLinguru by Trey Jones, from last November’s issue. It is in fact the IPA symbol ɤ, the ram’s horns, used for the close-
Well, you might not think it lovely, but these folks surely do, as they’ve each won a SpecGram magnet for the trouble they’ve taken to get to know ɤ before the solution was published.
At right is the solution to the Polyglot’s Magic Square by John Miaou, from last December’s issue. This puzzle was a really tough one, but congratulations are in order to the following Puzzle Meister, who solved the puzzle, and will be receiving a SpecGram magnet for his heroic efforts.