SpecGram >> Vol CLVII, No η >> Words of Dubious Roman Origin—Numerius Negidius et Aulus Agerius

Verbal Arithmetic—Fnu Nmn Lnu, A.B.D. SpecGram Vol CLVII, No η Contents Linguistic Equations—Prof. Lars Tyndskids and Dr. Jef Van Pijperzele

Words of Dubious Roman Origin

Numerius Negidius, Optimus Magister
Aulus Agerius, Bonus Liber

Spurius Carvilius School of Rhetoric, Rome

These puzzles are worth 1/2 point each.

Despite their odd numbering, these puzzles aren’t too hard. Fill in the blanks based on the clues provided.

101sick_____          157polite_____
207a kind of duty_____ 501not ego_____
512bright_____ 551container top_____
557angry_____ 601pickle type_____
1001past action_____ 1001do, re, etc._____
1006good with vigor_____ 1011stir_____
1101grind_____ 1501not bright_____
1501not open, not close_____ 1551not spicy_____
2102imitate_____ 5000tastes good!_____

Verbal Arithmetic—Fnu Nmn Lnu, A.B.D.
Linguistic Equations—Prof. Lars Tyndskids and Dr. Jef Van Pijperzele
SpecGram Vol CLVII, No η Contents

© MCMLXXXVIII — MMXXV Speculative Grammarian

© MCMLXXXVIII — MMXXV Speculative Grammarian
[Full version: https://specgram.com/CLVII.h/22.negidius.roman.html]