Traditional Dominosa is a puzzle game that requires you to pair numbers corresponding to the faces of dominoes. You are presented with a rectangular grid of numbers. Each number must be paired with one of its vertical or horizontal neighbors. As in a set of dominoes, each numerical value pairs exactly once with each other numerical value. See the original “Domiphones and Dominasals” (SpecGram CLXXXV.1) for a simple example if you are unfamiliar with the genre.
Naturally, SpecGram’s version of the puzzle involves some linguistics-
If you can complete the puzzle, send your solution to the editors of SpecGram by July 31st, 2021, and you could win some SpecGram merch. The correct solution* and winners, if any, will be announced in the next issue of Speculative Grammarian.
The solutions to last month’s puzzle, Mix & Match ‡‡, are provided here. The nine 9-letter words from the first puzzle are: sociative, moonlings, concocted, unslurred, ploughing, nonspaced, brainwave, converter, intellect; and the three additional words are: consonant, inclusive, intricate. For the second puzzle, the nine words are: applosion, foreclose, crotchety, mutilated, inoculant, fetishist, oxybiotic, explosive, cleanlier; and the three additional words are: prototype, occlusion, ostensive. Each of the puzzlemeisters below will receive some moderately desirable SpecGram merch:
Bernd Möbius
Thorsten Schröter
Vincent Fish
* The solution will be published as text, rather than as an image, which should make the various characters involved easier to identify.