Βέκος I Say So—C. Nobody and Ina Cave SpecGram Vol CXC, No 4 Contents

Scriptominoes II

by Trey Jones & Keith Slater

Traditional Dominosa is a puzzle game that requires you to pair numbers corresponding to the faces of dominoes. You are presented with a rectangular grid of numbers. Each number must be paired with one of its vertical or horizontal neighbors. As in a set of dominoes, each numerical value pairs exactly once with each other numerical value. See the original “Domiphones and Dominasals” (SpecGram CLXXXV.1) for a simple example if you are unfamiliar with the genre.

Naturally, SpecGram’s version of the puzzle involves some linguistics-related twists. Rather than boring and obvious numerals, we use elements that linguists can enjoy and feel comfortable with. This puzzledubbed Scriptominoesuses characters from various writing systems at each end of the dominoes. It’s up to you to discover the relevant groupings of characters in order to solve the puzzle.

If you can complete the puzzle, send your solution to the editors of SpecGram by July 31st, 2021, and you could win some SpecGram merch. The correct solution* and winners, if any, will be announced in the next issue of Speculative Grammarian.

The solutions to last month’s puzzle, Mix & Match ‡‡, are provided here. The nine 9-letter words from the first puzzle are: sociative, moonlings, concocted, unslurred, ploughing, nonspaced, brainwave, converter, intellect; and the three additional words are: consonant, inclusive, intricate. For the second puzzle, the nine words are: applosion, foreclose, crotchety, mutilated, inoculant, fetishist, oxybiotic, explosive, cleanlier; and the three additional words are: prototype, occlusion, ostensive. Each of the puzzlemeisters below will receive some moderately desirable SpecGram merch:

Bernd Möbius Thorsten Schröter Vincent Fish

* The solution will be published as text, rather than as an image, which should make the various characters involved easier to identify.

Βέκος I Say SoC. Nobody and Ina Cave
SpecGram Vol CXC, No 4 Contents