Nerdword’ll, Part III
Reg X. Woolery
Ermahgerd! Heard what occurred? A herd of absurd words stirred and blurred ’til nerds whirred and purred!
What’ll be an intellectual hurdle? Nerdword’ll!
What’ll make you nurdle? Nerdword’ll!
What’ll make your brain curdle like you need a bigger spurtle? Nerdword’ll!
You already know the rules, or if not you can ask some Welsh guy. (We’re just joshin’!) All answers are ling lingo, so if you’ve found multiple answers, pick the one that’s related to language.
If you think you’ve figured out all most some of the answers, submit your solution to the editors of SpecGram by February 1st, 2024.† Solutions will be provided in the next issue of SpecGram.
† Our prize factory in Hyperborea was recently swallowed by an isogloss glacier and prize production has been halted for the next three or four bʼakʼtuns. However, we’ll continue to award fame and/or glory to the worthy and semi-worthy.