Mix & Match ◊◊—Max & Mitch Ninelette SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 1 Contents Previous Puzzle Solutions—The SpecGram Puzzle Elves™

Norman Invasion

Nina Sloan

1  2  3  4    5  6  7  8  9    10  11  12  13 
14             15                16          
17             18                19          
23                         24             
      25            26          27  28  29 
30  31  32          33  34          35          
39             40             41             
42          43            44             
      45          46  47           48  49  50 
52  53    
55             56                57          
58             59                60          
61             62                63          

1. ____ monster (reptile)

5. “Chop chop!”

10. Clutch

14. Environmental sci.

15. Sandy shades

16. The frontal one is associated with spoken language

17. Useful thing

18. Collects, as benefits

19. Phonologically reduced expression of future intent

20. Library counter (and a site of this puzzle’s Norman Invasion)

23. In some ways

24. “Later!”

25. Simple shelter

26. Take to court

27. Toss

30. Haircare place

33. High level math

35. Roll (up), like a fiddlehead fern

36. One way to describe Demetrius and Helena’s relationship in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (and a site of this puzzle’s Norman Invasion)

39. ___ Reader (digital magazine with the slogan “Cure ignorance”)

40. Chat GPT-like beings

41. Bitcoin, e.g.

42. Acronym for a famous reconstructed language

43. Sibilant sound

44. Explosive inits.

45. Test for a Ph.D. hopeful

46. Processes like the one exemplified in 19a.

51. Big Apple event that requires much stamina (and a site of this puzzle’s Norman Invasion)

55. Smell

56. [+_____ ] (featural description that normally applies to all vowels)

57. Nigerian language cluster with 31 million speakers

58. Latin name cognate with Greek “andro” (and maybe “Andrew”)

59. French feminine plural pronoun

60. V, in physics

61. Concludes

62. “What ___ thou?”

63. Ben and Jerry’s competitor


1. Totally understand

2. Prefix meaning “likeness”

3. Shower scrubber

4. Alveolar tap, in relation to both /t/ and /d/ in English

5. Solitary one

6. Pacific, for one

7. Brooklyn institute

8. ___-Guarani (South American language family)

9. Lombardy culinary specialty

10. [j], for one

11. Ancient empire of Italic languages

12. Many early PCs

13. Apex

21. Like [u] and [o]

22. “Science Guy” Bill

26. Some 35mm cameras, in brief

27. Moon goddess whose name is cognate with English “light”

28. Tolkien Black Speech utterers

29. “Ugh”

30. You might put stock in it

31. Oppositional prefix

32. “Stay in your ____!”

33. Corporate money managers, for short

34. Back, on a boat

35. Type of verb in the sentence: “They crowned William king”

37. Follows a step in the scientific method

38. High-IQ society

43. Sold-out theater inits.

44. Way to lay a contested matter

45. Greek sandwiches

46. Poet Dickinson

47. Rushes (to)

48. “Uh oh”

49. With honor

50. Little brats

51. Zero

52. Paradise

53. Surprisingly difficult and controversial thing to define in linguistics

54. Caffeine-containing nut

If you’ve completed the puzzle, you can submit your solution to the editors of SpecGram by August 1st, 2024. The correct solution and any solvers will be announced in the next issue.

Mix & Match ◊◊Max & Mitch Ninelette
Previous Puzzle SolutionsThe SpecGram Puzzle Elves™
SpecGram Vol CXCIV, No 1 Contents