Identify the language depicted somewhat rebusistically in the image below.
If you believe you have it figured out, send your answer to the editors of SpecGram by July 15th, 2010. You could win a SpecGram magnet. The correct answer, such as it is, and winners, if any, will be announced in the September 2010 issue of Speculative Grammarian.
Below are the correct translations for the two target sentences from the Ple Nvæn-
These clever folks gave good English translations for the Ple Nvæn-
Derivations for one of the sentences above will give a brief sketch of the language. Some idiosyncratic notations, following Claude Searsplainpockets’ original notes, include:
Let us now derive I heard that two big weird obnoxious rabbits will eat the yummy lucky green cheeses. Some relevant base forms:
rabbit aaθv obnoxious #lark (begins with a left- eating pac- man phoneme) weird prszs big kwyg cheese ʔaeiʔouy green ^ufon (reduplicates the previous syllable) lucky uiwii yummy uiʃðo% (ends with a right- eating pac- man phoneme) eat ungjɪ
The dual is indicated by reduplication, adjectives attach rightward, the indefinite is unmarked, and the subject NP in a transitive sentence is marked with the ergative final infix “-gwe” (inserted before any trailing vowels):
dual rabbit aaθv^ obnoxious dual rabbit aaθv^#lark weird obnoxious dual rabbit aaθv^#larkprszs big weird obnoxious dual rabbit aaθv^#larkprszskwyg reduplicate aaθvaθv#larkprszskwyg indef big weird obnoxious dual rabbit aaθvaθv#larkprszskwyg indef big weird obnoxious dual rabbit abs aaθvaθv#larkprszskwyggwe
The plural is marked by the circumfix “ik- -#ret”, the definite is marked by the initial infix “rst-” (inserted after any leading consonants), and the object NP in a transitive sentence is marked with the absolutive final infix “-po” (inserted before any trailing vowels).
plural cheese ikʔaeiʔouy#rət green plural cheese ikʔaeiʔouy#rət^ufon lucky green plural cheese ikʔaeiʔouy#rət^ufonuiwii yummy lucky green plural cheese ikʔaeiʔouy#rət^ufonuiwiiuiʃðo% reduplicate ikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo% def yummy lucky green plural cheese rstikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo% def yummy lucky green plural cheese erg rstikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo%po
The verb is marked for the number and animacy of each of the subject and object: “oa” for animate, “x@x@x” for inanimate; “jy” for dual, “irt” for plural. Subject markers are animacy + number. Object markers are number + animacy. The main verb element is composed of the root + the subject marker + the object marker + the tense marker (“wol” for future).
subj dual animate oajy obj plural inanimate irtx@x@x eat future subj-dual-animate obj-plural-inanimate ungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwol
The complete transitive sentence is composed of object NP + verb element + evidential marker + subject NP. The reported speech evidential is “e^tk”.
rstikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo%po + ungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwol + e^tk + aaθvaθv#larkprszskwyggwe
Now the phonological rules apply.
underlying rstikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo%poungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwole^tkaaθvaθv#larkprszskwyggwe reduplication rstikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo%poungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwoleletkaaθvaθv#larkprszskwyggwe degeminate rstikʔaeiʔouy#rətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo%poungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwoleletkaaθvaθv#larkprszskwygwe left-eating pac-man rstikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiiuiʃðo%poungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwoleletkaaθvalarkprszskwygwe right-eating pac-man rstikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiiuiʃðooungjɪoajyirtx@x@xwoleletkaaθvalarkprszskwygwe remove blockers rstikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiiuiʃðooungjɪoajyirtxxxwoleletkaaθvalarkprszskwygwe break up CCC clusters rsitikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiiuiʃðooungujɪoajyirtixxixwoleletkaaθvalarkapraszaskawygwe voicing assimilation rsitikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiiuiʃðooungujɪoajyirtixxixwoleletkaaθvalarkaprassaskawygwe Vowel simplification:
V1+V2+V3+V2 simplifies to V1+V3rsitikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiuʃðooungujɪoajyirtixxixwoleletkaaθvalarkaprassaskawygwe lengthen vowels rsitikʔaeiʔouyrətətufonuiwiuʃðo:ungujɪoajyirtixxixwoleletka:θvalarkaprassaskawygwe
Other phonological processes include nasal assimilation, liquid assimilation, reduction of triple vowels to double, and another vowel simplification rule (V1+V2+V1+V2 simplifies to V1+V2). Their specific ordering is left as an exercise for the reader.
Other useful and interesting morphemes include:
Direct speech and present tense are unmarked.
roll r@r singular marker ly hearsay evidential marker wtfomg% past tense marker yd