Presented here to amuse you for a short spell, is a new crossword puzzle, the graphical form of which is based on a logo well known to our readers. The logical form of the puzzle is dictated by tradition. The content inspired, as much as possible, by the study of languages and linguistics. Enjoy.
Across 1. A parasitic ___ is not something you can appreciate without fully understanding. 4. Fixer ___ (reduplicated for emphasis) 11. Egyptian sun god 12. Snake’s sibilant sound 15. Lips, tongue, and throat are speech ___ 16. Roman letter ultimately derived from the Egyptian hieroglyph ![]() 17. A very old linguist? 19. 1000 for Romans 20. SpecGram’s other specialty 21. You for texters and chatters 22. A doctor who is not a PhD 24. ___ < OE wīpian, perhaps akin to L vibrāre 25. Tick’s companion 29. French friend 31. Whoa, I know kung ___! 32. Physical Education > Phys Ed > ___ 33. What annoyingly small annoying dogs do to annoy you 35. Roman letter derived from the Phoenician letter ![]() 36. Language of Newton’s Principia Mathematica (abbrev.) 38. ___ Man, n., does everything a ~ can! 41. Un- 44. Common attribute of consonants /dðlnrɹɾsʃtθzʒ/ 45. A translation borrowing 47. an Austronesian language spoken in southern Pentecost Island, Vanuatu 48. Another name for Colorado River language 49. ___-47 assault rifle 50. Morse code dot- 51. Letter represented by the signal flag ![]() 52. Roman construction techniques incertum, reticulatum, quadratum, latericium, spicatum, etc. 54. Norse trickster 56. Ego 57. IPA for voiceless bilabial fricative 58. Best. Dictionary. Ever. 59. Anglo- 61. First person singular copula 63. Homonym of NY, Boston, or Philadelphia second person plural pronoun 65. A loss of voice; a palsy of the tongue; dumbness; catalepsy (Webster’s 1828) 67. With 68 down, a Eureka- 69. Semaphore letter represented by ![]() 70. Immeasurably long periods of time (var.) 71. Speakers of Saami languages 74. Diminutive suffix indicating a younger, smaller, or inferior version of something 75. Letter represented by ASL ![]() 76. Roman 50 77. Inv. of condense 79. The “A” in “A/S/L” in Chat- 80. Letter represented by Braille ![]() 81. Romanian for eight 83. Albanian for cloud 85. Amuzgo for red 86. The study of the morphological and syntactic properties of linguistic units 92. Anglo- 93. Derogatory diminutive for the people of the USSR 94. Latin analog of Greek τ 95. Opp. of left 96. Not so humble internet acronym 97. Non- 98. Replacement for Futhorc letter ![]() 99. Fabricated earlier 102. Extinction boundary 65 m.y.a. 103. Roman 9 104. The semantic relation of being subordinate 106. Explosive TLA |
If you can complete the crossword and send your solutions to the editors of SpecGram by March 15th, 2010, you could win a SpecGram magnet of your choice. The correct solution and winners, if any, will be announced in an upcoming issue of Speculative Grammarian.
The solution to December’s Crossword, by Keith Slater, is provided at right. It was also provided by each of the puzzlers (or team of puzzlers) below. Each will receive a SpecGram magnet of their choice.
Congratulations to the winners!