Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.
Q200. Be sure to check out ‘A Stratificational Approach to Making Macaroni and Cheese’. Definitely worth your time.
Q199. Possibly the most brilliant thing I’ve ever read.
Q198. Speculative Grammarian is probably my favorite linguistic journal in existence.
Q197. Your publication of December 2008 has been received. It has been read. It has been enjoyed. The enjoyment was thorough.
Q196. I’m a retired professor who finally has time to read every article with deep appreciation as well as understanding of 58% (± 3%) of the obvious in-
Q195. Each issue surpasses the last!
Q194. Trött på vanliga korsord och soduku, och vad alla de olika pusseltyperna nu heter? Speculative Grammarian har lösningen: The Polyglot’s Magic Square.
Q193. Haha, that is awesome.
Q192. It does not need to be said that all the articles for SpecGram are written for humorous value, and are a highly readable, lovely load of jovial tosh.
Q191. The brilliant Speculative Grammarian website ... explores the much neglected field of satirical linguistics.
Q190. My congratulations to Tim Pulju on having written a wonderful, humorous article which recently came to my attention, entitled New Directions in the Teaching of Human Languages to Non-
Q189. That is hysterical. I’m forwarding it around my department.
Q188. Speculative Grammarian has a cute choose-
Q187. Смешной журнал.
Q186. Вот эти мне нравятся
Q185. Je crois que tout est dit. Bon c’est pas toujours facile à comprendre (ces mecs là sont vraiment atteints, faut le voir pour le croire...), mais on trouve des trucs sympa comme un manifeste pour la linguistique subliminale, une approche de la démographie basée sur corpus ou une illustration de phénomènes phonologiques avec Bob l’Éponge. Il faut au moins y aller pour tester le Choose Your Own Career in Linguistics, qui est vraiment à hurler de rire et qui peut être utile pour ceux qui envisagent un double cursus linguistique/astronomie.
Q184. Das ist ja genial!
Q183. Zum phonologischen Wahnwitz siehe auch nasal-
Q182. Here’s a cartoon that nicely distinguishes between the broad strokes (in this case the stroke is delivered by a lance!) of phonological description, compared to the detailed precision of phonetic analysis.
Q181. Suomessa ei kai kovin paljon gootteja ole mutta tässä linkki, ‘Goottia matkailijoille’. Opettelemalla muutaman gootinkielisen lauseen saa varmaakin helposti ystäviä oikeista ´gooteista.
Q180. SpecGram: L’unico! L’inimitabile! Linguistica folle!
Q179. So you think your vocabulary is pretty good? Try this crossword puzzle for linguists. It made me laugh out loud.
Q178. Speculative Grammarian is the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of satirical linguistics. This site can be downright hilarious sometimes.
Q177. Thank goodness there is someone out there besides me who adores run-
Q176. Thank you so much for providing a little comic relief on stressful days, and keep up the good work, we depend on you! (Although, admittedly, there are only very few people around to share the jokes.)
Q175. Now here’s an intelligent way of wasting one’s time.
Q174. Oh yes, self-
Q173. An excellent
Q172. Of course, Eduard Sievers would be turning in his grave, because as fine as this little poem is, it does not follow the dictates of Germanic Alliterative Verse! Travesty!
Q171. One of the internet’s most original publications: Speculative Grammarian.
Q170. Sometimes one comes across an item of such exquisite nerdiosity, that the only emotion one can feel is awe mixed with jealously for not having thought of it oneself.
Q169. Far and away, this is my favorite Gothic language site.
Q168. Here is a spectacular bit of poking fun at syntax. It might be funny even if you haven’t taken syntax, but I couldn’t guarantee that.
Q167. Gotta love serious academicians who also enjoy poking fun at their own chosen field of specialization. For a veritable feast of such inside jokes, see Linguist of Fortune, Psammeticus Quarterly and Speculative Grammarian.
Q166. Ooh, I’m the Grand High Poobah of Linguistics.
Q165. Career in Linguistics. You Sure? The tongue-
Q164. The world’s greatest specialists in satirical linguistics.
Q163. Thank God I’ve found other people who love grammar and language and aren’t afraid to make fun of it.
Q162. Now, the linguists among you simply must visit Speculative Grammarian, the premier site for ‘satirical linguistics’. I have only just discovered it and it’s intermittently brilliant.
Q161. Satirical linguistics journal, yay.
Q160. At SpecGram any aspriring linguist can get a glimpse of the future when choosing your career in linguistics.
Q159. Zum Amüsement für Linguisten
Q158. I just attracted a very strange look from my husband at the next computer, thanks to performing a nasal-
Q157. I am Language and Puzzle Geek, hear me roar!
Q156. The LinguiGeekSquee of discovering Speculative Grammarian.
Q155. I had promised myself that I was going to go to bed early tonight ... and now I want to stay up all night and read back issues of Speculative Grammarian.
Q154. Beowulf ond Godsylla is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year.
Q153. I had to read all those articles, and the publications of Psammeticus Press
Q152. If you love Old English (or at the very least, fine malt liquor of any persuasion), you should see their fabulous new snippet from Beowulf, Beowulf ond Godsylla.
Q151. But if you ever wished you had studied linguistics, you should check out SpecGram.