Quotes—Page 17: More of What People are Saying

Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.

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Q350. Fine, but doesn’t that just mean that one language is only easier to learn or speak, vaster or simpler? Do these things truly make one superior in the grand scheme?

Molodoi chelovek

Q349. Fascinating. The only problem is that one falls into Platonic-inspired terms—good, superior, better. I still find it very much ethno-centric to label them as such.

Molodoi chelovek

Q348. Written by those wacky Hoya pranksters Dikembe Mutombo and John Thompson!


Q347. I especially enjoyed “saving French discontinuous negatives”!


Q346. Um... what about the weighting of parameters?


Q345. Speculative Grammarian: The journal of satirical linguistics. The more you know, the funnier it is, of course.

Paul Sank

Q344. Oh, I get it, it’s a breakdown in intertransferability of signifiers and signifieds. LOL, structural linguistics!


Q343. Here, you can find a nice recipe of gavagai with peppers.

—Daniel Charms

Q342. Nogle morsomme uddrag af nogle studerendes besvarelser fra en prøve hvor de skulle beskrive lyden [w].

Ruben Schachtenhaufen

Q341. What is [glottochronology] anyway?


For a humorous approach, see here.


Q340. How many interpretations does the following sentence have? Pretty little girl’s school. Believe it or not, there are at least five interpretations. ... If you want an illustration, you can find it here, along with other fun linguistic stuff.


Q339. Both humorous and true! Excellent.


Q338. Hey! I love languages. I’m currently a linguistics major, because I had to declare something. Once upon a time I was googling and came across a funny website that had a bunch of different scenarios—“so you are a linguistics major and pre-med”—and explained what it thought would happen—“you are flipping burgers or selling your soul to MCAT prep companies”.

But now I can’t find the website!! Is there anyone out there who knows it / has mad google skills and could find it for me?


Choose Your Own Career in Linguistics


Q337. Contemplation: Profound.


Q336. I’m in love....


Q335. Now I am doubting my own rigor—just finished “skimming” this.

—Gervais Mulongoy

Q334. Speculative Grammarian is a magazine of satirical linguistic sketches.


Q333. Speculative Grammarian: I simply had to share this. I really needed a laugh today and this is what I found. It is hilarious. Enjoy.

—Beril Tezeller Arik

Q332. SpecGram: ingressive nasal velar trill, anyone?

Laura E Aldridge

Q331. SpecGram: this is awesome :)

Laura E Aldridge

Q330. Маленький разговорник для туристов


Q329. Знаете это?


Да, читал. Забавно, но в данном случае никак не помогает.


Q328. Fictional Foundations of NLP, aka “Where’s my jetpack?!” I love anything quoting Manning & Schutze...


Q327. What a wonderful find your publication is! I am just starting to trawl through the archives and I’m sure that there will be much to amuse and inform me. ... Looking forward to enjoying many hours of reading.

—Jeremy Wheeler

Q326. Speculative Grammarian: For a bit of fun with linguistics, a humorous site with a linguistics theme.


Q325. Speculative Grammarian is easily one of the nineteen best online linguistic humor magazines of the past three months—and you can come quote me on that.

David J. Peterson

Q324. It’s terribly exciting, there’s not only a new issue of Speculative Grammarian out (the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of satirical linguistics), but it’s a bumper issue of linguistic puzzles, and there’s one that I can just about finish. (3 = types of N-P C in the I P A)


Q323. I think this crossword puzzle is pretty linguistigeeky too.

(I admit to hoping that I can some day actually solve it.)

Philip Newton

Q322. Whenever you need a break from X-bar-ing those trees, do check out Speculative Grammarian’s groundbreaking articles in the burgeoning field of satirical linguistics. I was particularly astounded by the theoretical implications of the discoveries described by Doggett, Cardinal, Sanders, and Ussishkin in “Double-Sided Copy Theory” (Jan. 2006).

Nathan Schneider

Q321. Ehehe. in the background of the cartoon, you can see “buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo” diagrammed out.

Kevin Ryan Mooney

Q320. It is weird that “conlanging” had turned into such a bad or somehow bad thing... I never felt like it wouild endanger my life.


Q319. I am not an addict, I can stop anytime. :)


Q318. Are you sometimes, or indeed frequently gripped by the urge to create languages? Do your doodles often become new alphabets? Do you feel compelled to create worlds in which your languages and alphabets might be used? If so, help is at hand in the form of Conlangers Anonymous, an organisation founded by Francis Lodwick in 1694 and discussed in Speculative Grammarian, the premier journal of satirical linguistics.

Simon Ager

Q317. LOL. That is classic.

—Garth Wallace

Q316. I think SpecGram has been infiltrated.

—Arthaey Angosii

Q315. This article explores how syntactic and semantic ambiguity is significant to humor; it also gives humorous examples of lexical ambiguity.

—Thomaesa Brundage

Q314. I’m in love with the article about the Bleggish language. It’s like David Foster Wallace is channeling Ferdinand de Saussure.

—Colonel Cathcart

Q313. Oh but how could you have missed this article! It’s brilliant! Reminds me of time cube guy.


Q312. Disappointingly, SpecGram is rarely as funny as it always seems like it should be, and this article is no exception.

—Radius Solis

Q311. Speculative Grammarian wants to help us [conlangers].


Q310. From SpecGram: Linguistics Land Nursery Rhymes and 10 New Commandments for Linguists

—Bex Walton

Q309. ‘ “How many languages do you speak?” A good answer: π.’

Close enough.


Q308. Spanish linguistics fail.

—Tyler D

Q307. Kellogg-Reed diagram, X-bar diagram, sentence flow diagram, grammatical diagram, phrase diagram ... is your head beginning to spin? Bring a little humor in as a antidote: Modern and Historical Graphical Representations of Structural Relationships in Spoken and Written English Sentential Utterances, selected and presented, with commentary, by Nattapoŋ Yunloŋ Seuŋyoŋ.


Q306. That’s cute.


Q305. In order to convince my parents that my prospective major, linguistics, wasn’t completely useless, I showed them this game: SpecGramChoose Your Own Career in Linguistics.


Q304. You should certainly start reading Speculative Grammarian. The back issues are archived. Also, they’ve digitized and made online-available Lingua Pranca and Son of Lingua Pranca, which were originally published before the World Wide Web became a commonplace. You would also enjoy a much more contemporary work in the same vein, Collateral Descendant of Lingua Pranca.


Q303. Stay abreast of breaking research in satirical linguistics with Speculative Grammarian.

Joshua Marker

Q302. I love Speculative Grammarian, and I love that article.


Q301. A comment on length reminded me of something I came across recently.

—Lev Michael

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Last updated Jan. 22, 2025.