Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.
Q1076. Das ist der Humor der Linguisten. *g*
Q1075. New desktop background.
Q1074. SpecGram is just damn good! I really love it! It helps me to survive all those dull papers and to retain a hope that linguistics does make fun sometimes.
Q1073. I think Plato should have been translated more realistically.
Q1072. This is for everyone who persists in posting those “untranslatable words” posts.
Q1071. Thanks for the awesome stuff you do!
Q1070. ‘The horse raced past the garden path fell’, and other linguistic self-definers in SpecGram this month.
Q1069. Thank you [Madalena Cruz-Ferreira] for a true LOL experience reading [this] ... Highly recommend.
Q1068. SpecGram is a blessing to the world.
Q1067. Geeking out with SpecGram’s Cartoon Theories of Linguistics!
Q1066. “Everything psychologists wanted to know about linguistics but were afraid to ask” Do you dare?
Q1065. For all you linguists who are just so tired of being asked that same question over and over...
Q1064. I’m personally fully in favour of jokelangs, especially those found from time to time within the pages of SpecGram.
Q1063. Der Unterschied zwischen der Phonetik und Phonologie ist anschaulich und zugleich unterhaltsam auf dieser Karikatur in der satirischen Online-Zeitschrift Speculative Grammarian (2007, 153-1) dargestellt.
Q1062. Speculative Grammarian is a notorious satirical linguistics site.
Q1061. I read this thinking it was serious by accident.
Q1060. Seems like SpecGram has been around since the beginning of time. Or at least the beginning of grammar.
Q1059. Silly, artificial illustration of statistical machine translation.
Q1058. May your adjectives always be superlatve.
Q1057. What did I just read?
Q1056. Thanks for the laughs!
Q1055. Speculate away! May your speculation never end!
Q1054. Thank you for all of your linguistic quips.
Q1053. This is satire, lest anyone be fooled.
Q1052. You can’t um and er your way towards an empire, if you want indecisiveness and fillers you should learn Greek.
Q1051. This article, at a satirical linguistics website that I frequent, is pretty interesting
Q1050. Speculative Grammarian / 言語学に関する笑えるネタや時として真面目な話を収録したオンラインの雑誌。難しいことを緩く語るのがコンセプトなのだろう。英語。
Q1049. Speculative Grammarian is a collection of linguistic satire. There is a load of stuff there, but this set of puns caught my eye.
Q1048. Looking for a graphic illustration of the phonetic and phonology interface.
Look, I understand the basics of phonetics and phonology. Phonetics is a physical science and phonology is a psychological science, sort of. Nonetheless, they both treat the same object: linguistic sounds.
Is it possible to illustrate this interface to a naive and dimwitted undergrad?
Q1047. I’ve always liked this illustration of the difference between phonetics and phonology.
Q1046. I mean come on. AIs don’t even understand something like this yet.
Q1045. The Speculative Grammarian podcast is probably the best source of information on the sadly overlooked field of satirical linguistics. A must-listen for anybody who wants to keep abreast of ... academic linguistics.
Q1044. SpecGram is great. At least the Language Made Difficult episodes. I skip the others...
Q1043. You’ll get a kick out of this.
Q1042. It’s that little grain of truth that makes it funny... Great Minds Sink Alike!
Q1041. Dilbilim karikatürleri arasında biçimbilimsel tipoloji ile ilgili olanda. Türkçenin ekleri lego oyuncaklar gibi art ardına ekleniyor.
Q1040. It’s a shame the double-dot wide O never caught on as an IPA symbol. (Or the dectuple-struck Z, for that matter.)
Q1039. Best online journal ever :-)
Q1038. This is really cool.
Q1037. Here is what actually untranslatable words would be like.
Q1036. “The” is perfectly translatable. “De” in Dutch, “Le/La” in French, and so on.. What a shitty article.
Q1035. 1. It’s a joke.
2. Did you even read the article? It said there’s no English translation for “the,” not Dutch or French, or so on.
3. It’s a joke.
Q1034. Whoosh, apparently.
Q1033. Linguists vs A.I. this is some next level nerdy shit and I love it