Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.
Q150. If you have an incredibly geeky appreciation for linguistics humor (face it: telling jokes about phonemes and morphemes is not ‘normal’), be sure to check out SpecGram. The classifieds are particularly hilarious.
Q149. Oh. My. God. That is fabulous.
Q148. It’s like Beowulf and the Swedish Chef had love kittens.
Q147. Speculative Grammarian is awesome. Go check it.
Q146. You might appreciate this article from Speculative Grammarian, the journal of ‘satirical linguistics’. It is entitled ‘The Lexicalist Agenda: Exposing the Myths’, and I thought it was really funny.
Q145. Actually, that entire journal is just fantastic.
Q144. This makes me go squee!
Q143. I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t get most of those...
Q142. Ling love: I love this.
Q141. Dit is vooral leuk als je interesse hebt in taal kunde, maar ik wilde hem toch even laten zien. Het komt van een sarcastische taalkunde site: Een ‘artikel’ over de distributie van de lidwoorden ‘a’ en ‘an’ in het Engels. Carrièreplanning voor linguïsten.
Q140. Linguistischer Nonsens im Überfluss. Zahlreiche nicht wirklich ernst gemeinte Artikel, Schlaglichter auf schräge Phänomene und insgesamt eine wirkich komische Satire auf den wissenschaftlichen Normalbetrieb. Amüsant sind auch die kleinen Spielchen ‘Choose Your Own Career In Linguistics’ und das ‘Indo-
Q139. Het is zo nerdig dat het gaaf wordt
Q138. Linguïstenhumor
Q137. Wer, wie ich, gerne viel Zeit mit Dingen verbringt, die schlicht und einfach Zeit fressen, ohne dazu zu führen, dass die Welt gerettet oder die Hausarbeit fertig wird, hat bestimmt seinen Spaß mit Vaguely Linguistic Transforms.
Q136. SpecGram is great. SpecGram is wonderful.
Q135. This is... just... wow.
Q134. I really like these and I might just use them when teaching syntax in a few weeks’ time.
Q133. Speculative Grammarian, a satirical linguistics journal (if you can believe such a thing exists).
Q132. Dr. Phlogiston’s article also contains several panels that will be of great value in the classroom.
Q131. This is only the second cartoon about computational linguistics that I know of.
Q130. Here is the funniest linguistics-
Q129. You should see the Speculative Grammarian article on the language in which the elative dual was always suppletive. It was funny.
Q128. Thanks for all the brain-
Q127. I just stumbled across your site and so can’t make head nor tail of it (sic) that I will have to keep on reading. I was, of course hoping to learn something about NLP/AI. The ironic thing is that I may learn more from reading your journal than attempting to process any amount of more scholarly looking stuff.
Q126. Heavens!
Q125. My favorite computer-
Q124. The best thing in the issue is the letter to the editor about yod-
Q123. I just love making nasal-
Q122. Ironia i humor per a lingüistes.
Q121. Humoristisk e-blad om lingvistik og lingvisters særheder.
Q120. If you haven’t played it yet, I recommend the ‘Choose your own career in linguistics’ feature.
Q119. I loved your Phonetics vs. Phonology cartoon in the September 2007 issue.
Q118. If you haven’t read Linguistic Topology yet, you must. (All the way to the end, folks; it’s worth it, trust me on this.)
Q117. After many a (very
Q116. I know it’s a satirical journal so I’m embarrassed to say how much I could enjoy puzzles like this.
Q115. Reading through the other options I’m getting increasingly depressed.
Q114. Speculative Grammarian knows where I live.
Q113. Yes
Q112. As antidote to so much heavy-
Q111. Umlaut marks are the spawn of satan!!!
The only place two dots should ever be together is centered in a wide ‘O’ to represent a nasal ingressive voiceless velar trill, but that’s about it.
Q110. Speculative Grammarian: who says linguists take themselves too seriously?
Q109. Una visió humorística
Q108. I have taken some time off my thesis and lost some sleep to finish your magnificent Monster LingDoku. Thanks for teaching me how Hangul works! I hope you have as much trouble reading my solution as I had constructing it.
Q107. The Sudoku were very interesting! The Samurai one was a bit tough, but the Monster one is just ridiculous!
Q106. This looks like an interesting site.
Q105. Speculative Grammarian is well worth a thorough browse, packed as it is with ‘twisted ramblings, academic parody [and] satirical linguistics’, including The Lingo
Q104. Ahh, the academic funnybone. The footnotes are worth reading if you don’t have time for the whole article.
Q103. Thank You!! for the many good laughs and the much-
Q102. Для всех делающих вид, что знает и любит языки: сатирический журнал Speculative Grammarian, сделанный лингвистами для лингвистов и примазывающихся.
Q101. Ключевые слова: сатира, шарж, шутка, развлечение.