Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.
Q600. You know you’re a linguist when you see that they forgot to devoice one of the final consonants, as per the normal rules of Russian.
Q599. Hey, this is SpecGram.
Q598. Mmmm, juicy allomorphs. Trinidadius Functionalisticus, I personally prefer feeding on PPs.
Q597. I feel bad for having laughed at this.
Q596. If you get this, then you know you’re a serious Linguistics geek.
Q595. Speculative Grammarian has many fun elements of English linguistics. My favorite section is about the ambiguity of English.
Q594. SpecGram, satirični jezikoslovci! Najnovejša študija: Expirations in Minimalism—Zombie Linguistics.
Q593. I just ... found this hilarious article on Hippies naming their kids (and more). It brings to mind that singer, Prince, who changed his name to a symbol that had no pronunciation.
Q592. Love the awesome journal. The pod-
Q591. For hopeless linguistics majors like me. They describe themselves as “the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of satirical linguistics,” and the ‘scholarly material’ they put out is hilarious. And often depressing.
Q590. Des revues un peu “différentes”.
Q589. Those are among the most deliciously pithy footnotes I’ve ever seen. But what kind of institution really has a Department of Lexicology and Glottometrics?
Q588. Thanks to you for your outstanding service for linguists!
Q587. A fascinating discussion on the value of umpteen.
Q586. Must remember to revisit [SpecGram] on occasion, in order to stretch my satirical linguistics abilities.
Q585. Comedy at its finest!
Q584. My favorite is the phonetic sprinkler.
Q583. Speculative Grammarian, have I mentioned I love you?
Q582. Yes, you pretty much have to be a linguist already (or well advanced towards that goal) to enjoy Speculative Grammarian: you can’t understand a satire if you don’t know what is being satirized.
Q581. It has always seemed to me that Speculative Grammarian assumes a pretty high level of familiarity with academic linguistics. The web page even bills it (satirically) as a scholarly journal. One could say that SpecGram is [+specialist, -bona fide] while the envisioned Linguistics Today would be [-specialist, +bona fide].
Q580. Heh, I love SpecGram. ‘Fifty Grades of A’
Q579. My love of satirical linguistics has now overlapped with my love of chickens.
Q578. Both parents and speech-
Q577. It might be a good idea if [everyone] were occasionally to read the online journal Speculative Grammarian. It might encourage us to be somewhat more serious about our writing, for let us not ever forget what Sophocles once said:
πολλὰ τὰ δεινὰ κοὐδὲν ὀμπρέλλας δεινότερον πέλει
There are many wonderful things, and nothing is more wonderful than an umbrella.
Q576. How wonderful! ... I think 98% of MLA post-
Q575. That is silly.
Q574. Speculative Grammarian?! How did I manage to never hear of this before?! I have the feeling that my life will never be the same.
Q573. Huh! He can’t be serious, can he?
Q572. The difference between phonetic/
Q571. Twórcy Speculative Grammarian nie mogli znieść, że co i rusz okazuje się, że w słownikach brakuje słów. I tak powstała Splekulatywnego Gramatyka Komplaetna Encyklopaedia Historycznych Kompendialnych Leksykonów Rzadkich i Archaicznych Gwar i Nomenklatur. Wreszcie możemy poznać znaczenie WSZYSTKICH słów.
Q570. A rather clever linguistics joke.
Q569. It took me a couple of minutes to be able to read it and understand the differences, in both the word balloons and the images. Heh...very clever.
Q568. Which are the rarest vowels/
Q567. SpecGram, my life was incomplete. Then I found you. Wow.
Q566. I’ve had no formal introduction to phonetics, but with a little trying, I figured it out... and was laughing my anatomy off for two minutes straight. Thank you for making my day!
Q565. You can very well describe some speech with the IPA to the phonetic level (rather than phonemic), but then it requires a much more precise use of the IPA along with its diacritics. The problem with that is that it’s so dense that it’s almost unreadable. My favourite image to show the difference.
Q564. If you love language and words, this is a fun, tongue-
Q563. Thank god I was alone when I tried pronouncing that!
Q562. Wytłumaczenie wszystkich możliwych słów.
Q561. It’s really awesome—I’m going to train hard until I can pronounce this consonant accurately in my sleep!
Q560. This is the greatest thing I have ever seen.
Q559. It is quite a difficult sound to produce accurately at first. The secret is to be in a deeply relaxed state.
Q558. Thought I’d throw a shout out for [the] website of Speculative Grammarian, self-
Q557. Speculative Grammarian (where linguists go to laugh to death)
Q556. This may be a bit too accurate for comfort...
Q555. I loved all of them so much!
Q554. I found this googling linguistic some such one day and I’m planning to do a pre med double major. Naturally, I was moderately annoyed and a bit concerned at an icy soul sucking future. It is a joke, but damn.
Q553. No matter what I choose I end up in a soul crushing career. Poop. I guess I’ll enjoy my studies while I can!
Q552. Fries. Fries everywhere!
Q551. I picked the closest one to what I really did and it was depressingly accurate. Wish I saw this earlier!