Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.
Q900. The guys and gals @SpecGram do [bad puns] for a living. Also check of their podcast, it’s quite awesome!
Q899. An introduction to linguistics in haiku form. Love the last part of the haiku. :)
Q898. Are Linguists boring? Incomprehensible? Evil? Guys from SpecGram... I love you.
Q897. Hvis noe er verre enn lingvister er det lingvister med tørr humor.
Q896. I won’t try to explain why I found this funny. YMMV.
Q895. Speculative Grammarian (and other related zines archived on the same site) is one of the finest linguistics satires. The occasional articles also delve into miniature conlanging, although for satirical purposes obviously.
One of my favourite articles deals with numbers in the Moundsbar language.
Q894. I got SpecGram’s Essential Guide to Linguistics. Pure awesomeness!
Q893. Your blog is evilly wonderful. I had to go out and buy a copy of The Speculative Grammarian Essential Guide to Linguistics. I hope you’re happy. :P
But seriously, you’re wonderful!
Q892. Thirteen Untranslatable Words
Q891. SpecGram does good puns.
Q890. SpecGram: For hardened linguists in need of fun.
Q889. Grammar students started working on tree diagrams this week. Here is a fun comic just for you!
Q888. At last there is an organization that can bridge the hurtful chasm between language prescriptivists and descriptivists: The Original English Movement.
Q887. Proto abal-
Q886. Need a definition for any word, even if it has never come close to actually existing? Check out Speculative Grammarian’s new dictionary.
Q885. The Onion meets Language: Speculative Grammarian...
Q884. A few of these I can’t appreciate fully (yet!?) but I’ve been laughing pretty hard at the rest of them.
Q883. An unconventional and amusing reform of the English writing system. What do you think? Should we accept the proposal?
Q882. Now, what do you want for dinner? Spaghetti or Lasagna?
Q881. Despite decades of work on the problem, linguistics (apparently) isn’t cool.
Q880. A funny linguistic take on common idioms!
Q879. This is fun, and a bit of a grammar drill at the same time. Hilarious results!
Q878. Highly informative!
Q877. How many middles can you read in one sitting? My eyes bleed easily for this article.
Q876. The latest chapter of the LingQuest Saga (guest written by Speculative Grammarian!) is now available! Thanks to Trey Jones of SpecGram fame for gracing our Fund Drive with his sparkling wit
Q875. When did “book trailers” become a thing? This is an understatedly amusing trailer for an understatedly amusing book from the understatedly amusing Speculative Grammarian. The Gregorian chants in the background are understatedly amusing, too.
Q874. You must see this website if you love linguistics and #linguisthumor.
Q873. Rätselspaß: LingDoku, Sudoku für Linguist/innen.
Q872. Someone’s holding a pretty serious grudge, from, I’m guessing, maybe a semester of Greek, maybe a couple years?
Q871. There. You needed to hear it.
Q870. This is one of the best things that’s ever appeared on the internet.
Q869. I’m very glad I bought the hardcopy of the book. It was worth much more than what you charged, because it keeps on giving and giving me great guffaws. This book will be extracting linguisticky laughs out of me ‘til I die! It is surely one of the best values I ever acquired in a new book. Making it available as a download is like selling a car for for the price of a bicycle
Q868. It was a dark and verbal night: Bulwer-
Q867. When “colourless green ideas sleep furiously” makes sense.
Q866. I’m still mad that the IPA consortium refuses to add the double-
Q865. That’s diabolical!
Q864. Given the apparent frequency and clustering of two letter “words,” we think it might be a linguistic formula, or formulaic statement, that we are unlikely to tease out, not being “True Linguists” (though we did enjoy/
Q863. What’s the worst sentence to start a linguistically-
Q862. Hahahahaha I just did it.
Okay, velar trill. No problem. Okay, nasal. Gotta constrict that airway. Okay, it’s voiceless so now I just have to breathe in.
Followed by hysterical laughter because I feel like telling a linguist to do that phoneme is like saying “loser says what?” really fast.
Q861. The best phoneme to tell people about is the nasal-
Q860. I figured it was some sort of rotational cipher, but no luck with that approach, so I assume it’s a substitution cypher, which, let’s face it, is far too much work for me.
Q859. Oh lord, “entail spaghetti noodles.” I never realized what a rich vein of humor entailment was. It is literally applicable anywhere. I can go to starbucks and order a cappucino and boom I’ve got three entailed drinks.
Q858. This is a wonderful site! Spaghetti or Lasagna for Linguists
Q857. It’s amazing because it covers almost all of the stereotypical ignorance.
Q856. Just bought the book. It better be good!
Q855. Oh man!!! I want a book!
Q854. Occasionally, the research causes me to focus.
Q853. I have an undying adoration for Speculative Grammarian.
Q852. Now that is great satire.
Q851. I am dying. This is beautiful.