Castilian Language Chastised, Portugal Says “We Told You So”—Major Sharpe SpecGram Vol CLIV, No 2 Contents The Universal WH-eather—Indeductivist Grapho-Synoptic Introduction to the Principles-and-Principles Prolegomena of a Theory of WH-Fixedness—Daniele Virgillito

Cartoon Theories of Linguistics
Part J—Feeding and Bleeding

Erin Taylor1
Cal State Fullerton

Those unacquainted with the form and purpose of the Cartoon Theories of Linguistics can probably fake it if they are able to locate previous installments of this series. Let us turn our attention to Feeding and Bleeding Rules, as explained by Erin Taylor:

Feeding and Bleeding Rules

Next time: Prescriptivism vs. Descriptivism.

  1. Baron, W. (1983). “Cases of counter-feeding in Fas.” Language and Linguistics in Melanesia.
  2. Blumenfeld, L. (2003) “Counterfeeding, derived environment effects, and comparative markedness”. Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 29, No. 1-2, pp. 89-99.
  3. Hastings, A. J. (1974) Stifling.
  4. Jensen, J.T. (2004). Principles of Generative Phonology: An Introduction.
  5. Kanai, Y. (1986). “Is the Counterfeeding Principle Adequate?”. Gunma Journal of Liberal Arts and Science, Vol.20, pp. 143-147.
  6. Koutsoudas, A., G. Sanders, and C. Noll. (1974). “The Application of Phonological Rules”. Language, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 1-28
  7. Miner, K.L. (1981). “Bloomfield’s Process Phonology and Kiparsky’s Opacity”. International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 310-322.
  8. Pullum, G.K. (1983). “Morphophonemic Rules, Allophonic Rules, and Counterfeeding”. Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 14, pp. 179-184.
  9. Roca, I. (1997). “Derivations or constraints, or derivations and constraints”. Derivations and Constraints in Phonology.
  10. Scobbie J.M., J.S. Coleman, and S. Bird. (1996). “Key Aspects of Declarative Phonology”. Current Trends in Phonology: Models And Methods, Vol. 2, pp. 685-709.
  11. Vago, R.M. (1974). Extrinsic Ordering in Hungarian Phonology.

1 Erin Taylor is a tortured linguist currently studying at Cal State Fullerton. Originally from South Africa, she was smuggled into Southern California in the hopes of discovering an exciting new life for her and her family. All hopes were dashed when they settled in Orange County. Her passions lie in the neurotic side of neurolinguistics as well as the high and mighty snobbery of syntax. She will one day achieve fame and glory for her late night crime fighting thanks to her aerodynamic spandex suit and mad forensic linguistics skills.

Castilian Language Chastised, Portugal Says “We Told You So”—Major Sharpe
The Universal WH-eather—Indeductivist Grapho-Synoptic Introduction to the Principles-and-Principles Prolegomena of a Theory of WH-Fixedness—Daniele Virgillito
SpecGram Vol CLIV, No 2 Contents