Here are a few more of our favorite things people have said about Speculative Grammarian over the years, collected wild on the internet, or domesticated in email.
Q944. Speaking of throat-clears, I suppose it would not be off-topic to make mention of [this] satirical article.
Q943. Ha! That guy knows what’s up, Scots do talk funny.
Q942. Here’s an article you’ll like.
Q941. Recommended read: Divine Unification Grammar. To quote Homer Simpson, it’s funny because it’s true.
Q940. So far the best history of the early field I’ve read is from SpecGram (not joking!)
Q939. Ah, nerd humour. Love it.
Q938. Those fine academics at SpecGram have unearthed (and translated) a key historical document.
Q937. That Monster Lingdoku made me laugh.
Q936. This is the Best. Thing. Ever.
Q935. Alles im SpecGram ist ein Witz.
Q934. This classic satirical article from Speculative Grammarian illustrates the dangers in working from small data sets and assuming that your own subfield necessarily has the solutions to all the problems in linguistics. Or in other words, when you’re a syntactician, everything looks like a tree.
Q933. This seems accurate.
Q932. SpecGram (The Onion, for linguists)
Q931. Oh, SpecGram. I only understand about a quarter of what’s being said, but boy do I love it. My favorite is always Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know; I’m very proud of the fact that I at least know slightly more about linguistics than most of the stuff featured there.
Q930. That ... article is pretty great.
Q929. Why did nobody tell me about the SpecGram podcast? The O2 levels in my blood are depressed because I’m laughing too hard to breathe.
Q928. SpecGram is a satirical organization, in case that’s not clear. Its purpose is humor, not truth.
Q927. I laughed so much I almost spewed coffee out my nose.
Q926. May “Language Made Difficult” (please) never die.
Q925. Be sure to check out the Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know section, my personal favorite, with real (probably?) test answers from students.
Q924. Wow, I wish I had seen this before
Q923. Blog? I think you mean highly respected and totally accurate journal of linguistics, friend. (Seriously, though, I’m a religious SpecGram reader. It’s brilliant.)
Q922. I can’t tell if my linguistics background is screwing with my sense of humor, but I find the SpecGram list much much funnier than the [other] list.
Q921. Bona ekzemplo de satiro artikolo pri la lingvistiko.
Q920. Speculative Grammarian is the first scientific journal for satiric Linguistics. Funny and for free.
Q919. I binge listened to the podcast a few months ago, and always look forward to new episodes. I love the humour and actually stop whatever I’m doing when LDL&L comes up so that I can play too!
Q918. This evil genius has created The Compleat Encyclopaedia of Compendious Historical Lexicons of Obscure and Archaic Vernacular and Nomenclature. It is a website that will generate dictionary definitions for whatever nonsense words you throw at it, which certainly looks authoritative enough. It’s an easy way to win [at Scrabble]... but you’ll have to live with your hollow victory for the rest of your life.
Q917. I am a big fan of the podcast you make, and every time I see a new episode of Language Made Difficult has come out my day is made.
Q916. Scrabble Cheater’s Dictionary, from the geniuses at SpecGram.
Q915. Oh my god this is a thing of beauty. And I’m only barely linguistically-informed.
Q914. Might as well make this the official Scrabble dictionary.
Q913. Binge listening is for when you don’t care about satiety.
Q912. So...told a friend of mine about the big dolphin language conference. Told him I found out about it from the noted linguistics journal Speculative Grammarian. He congratulated me and said it must have been a blast. Thank you for many moments of hidden laughter!
Q911. Linguistics brings tears to your eyes, right?
Q910. For serious lovers of language only...
Q909. Some satirical linguistics for the advanced members.
Q908. This is a neat little piece.
Q907. Linguists can be poets, too. Check out this contribution from Speculative Grammarian. Note the sly reference to Chomsky’s famous example (Colorless green ideas sleep furiously), as well as the nod toward the perils of language death.
Q906. That is amazing and brilliant.
Q905. I have lots of distaste reactions while actually reading it.
Q904. Over at Speculative Grammarian, they’ve used the Language Change Algorithm to discover what English will sound like in the 22nd century. The results are striking.
Q903. Maybe it’s not all that accessible to the layman, but I’m a big fan of Speculative Grammarian. You’d need to have had a couple of introductory courses in linguistics to really grok the humor, though.
Q902. Delicate fun! Mandarin Tone in Historical Epic Quest Perspective.
Q901. Speculative Grammarian is lots of fun for the linguistically hip or hindered person.