It is with some disappointment that we feel obligated to submit this article to the previously respectable Speculative Grammarian, which has now been demoted to the position of Purveyor of Meta-
We agree with most of Block’s (2010) explanation of the Linguistic Big Bang, but vigorously disagree with his contention of an impending Linguistic Big Crunch. We agree with most of Saygone’s (2010) tripe-
The reasoning is quite straightforward. The increasing and increasingly imperialistic linguistic hegemony of English throughout the world will eventually lead to the practical demise of all other languages as anything other than intellectual and theoretical curiosities. That trend, combined with the normalizing and standardizing force of various ubiquitous media and communicative networks throughout the world will ultimately result in a Linguistic Big Freeze.
The amount of linguistic energy available for neologisms will decrease, eventually reaching the point of ergative-
The logic, and the outcome, are inescapable.