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The Journal of Lockdown Linguistics (International Edition) (May 2020): Following the recent rise in Linguists having to do research from home, Panini Press has decided to create a Specialist Outlet for this new Domesticated Research. We are very pleased to announce The Journal of Lockdown Linguistics (International Edition)!
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Bestsellers of 2018 (February 2019): At Panini Press, we continue to be Committed to the life and career of the Working Linguist—but All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Vowel. For your Amusement and Edification, we collect here the Bestselling Fiction and Non-Fiction Books of 2018, from Panini Press. All are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go!—Part IX (October 2018): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. ❦पा
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2018 Conferences in Nerdolinguistics (March 2018): In response to the rise of articles on the translation of names in Harry Potter and the newly jiggly emerging field of Pokémonastics, Speculative Grammarian and Panini Press are proud to announce a whole new series of conferences on Nerdolinguistics. ❦पा
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Bestsellers of 2017 (January 2018): At Panini Press, we continue to be Committed to the life and career of the Working Linguist—but All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Vowel. For your Amusement and Edification, we collect here the Bestselling Fiction and Non-Fiction Books of 2017, from Panini Press. All are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go!—Part VIII (April 2017): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. ❦पा
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Bestsellers of 2016 (March 2017): At Panini Press, we continue to be Committed to the life and career of the Working Linguist—but All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Vowel. For your Amusement and Edification, we collect here the Bestselling Fiction and Non-Fiction Books of 2016, from Panini Press. All are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go!—Part VII (February 2017): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. ❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go!—Part VI (November 2016): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. ❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go!—Part V (August 2016): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. ❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go!—Part IV (May 2016): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. Unfortunately, up to now, doing so has involved trying to plow through reference grammars, and we all know the problems with those! You can cut through all that and get all the really important information about a language—its sprachgeist, if you will—with a volume from Panini Press’s continuing series! ❦पा
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Bestsellers of 2015 (February 2016): At Panini Press, we continue to be Committed to the life and career of the Working Linguist—but All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Vowel. For your Amusement and Edification, we collect here the Bestselling Fiction and Non-Fiction Books of 2015, from Panini Press. All are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Bestsellers of 2014 (March 2015): At Panini Press, we are Still Committed to the life and career of the Working Linguist—but All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Vowel. For your Amusement and Edification, we collect here the Bestselling Fiction and Non-Fiction Books of 2014, from Panini Press. All are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Bestsellers of 2013 (February 2014): At Panini Press, we are Committed to the life and career of the Working Linguist—but All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Vowel. For your Amusement and Edification, we collect here the Bestselling Fiction and Non-Fiction Books of 2013, from Panini Press. All are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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More EuroSprachGames (May 2012): Featuring The Linguists of Catan, Thurn and Taxonomies, and Puerto Recorder.The Linguists of Catan pits each player against a dearth of linguistic resources. Thurn and Taxonomies is set in Bavaria, where players create postal routes based on the similarities of the goods they are to deliver. A linguistic fieldwork game in a New World plantation context, Puerto Recorder sets a new standard for the number of tiny pieces which can fall off the table and get lost.❦पा
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EuroSprachGames (March 2012): Featuring
Carcassonorant and Agricolangue. In the ingenious tile-laying game Carcassonorant, players construct dialect regions by creating a fictionalized map of the southern French countryside. Agricolangue is a turn-based game in which players must create relationships signifiers to signifieds on a small-scale family farm.
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Even More Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go! (January 2012): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. Unfortunately, up to now, doing so has involved trying to plow through reference grammars, and we all know the problems with those! You can cut through all that and get all the really important information about a language—its sprachgeist, if you will—with a volume from Panini Press’s continuing series! ❦पा
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More Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go! (July 2011): As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly. Unfortunately, up to now, doing so has involved trying to plow through reference grammars, and we all know the problems with those! You can cut through all that and get all the really important information about a language—its sprachgeist, if you will—with a volume from Panini Press’s continuing series! ❦पा
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More of The Business of Linguistics (June 2010): Panini Press is pleased to announce the following additional Popular Titles in the field of the Business of Linguistics—now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Learn to Speak Swadesh in One Hundred Easy Lessons! (May 2010): Hey, Grad Students! We’re talking to you! Do you need a “research language” that will also help to fulfill a “fieldwork” requirement? SpecGram is delighted to recommend to you the newest offering from our friends at Panini Press: Learn to Speak Swadesh in One Hundred Easy Lessons!❦पा
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The Business of Linguistics (March 2010): Continuing with our Commitment to the everyday life and career of the Working Linguist, Panini Press is pleased to announce the following popular titles in the field of the Business of Linguistics are now available at Fine Book Retailers world-wide.❦पा
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Sprachgeist Guides for the Linguist on the Go! (February 2010): Is that dative in the example set you’re looking at really a dative? Is a Karimojong participle the same thing you’d call a participle? As any linguist knows, it’s useful—and sometimes vital—to get an accurate picture of a language you’re not a specialist in, and to do it quickly.❦पा
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More Self-Actualization for Linguists (January 2010): The new Editors and Publishers of Panini Press are pleased to continue the Re-Launch of Panini Press with a Focus on Categories of more Relevance to the Working Linguist’s everyday Life and Career.❦पा
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Now Under New Management! (December 2009): The new Editors and Publishers of Panini Press are both pleased and saddened to make the bittersweet announcement that we have taken over management of the publishing house at this time. While the previous management’s Philosophy with respect to Linguistics was admirable, their Business Sense left something to be desired. We are thus re-launching Panini Press with a focus on categories of more relevance to the Working Linguist’s everyday life and career.❦पा
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Panini Press Must Get Manuscripts/Fire Sale (September 2009): Cash bonus on manuscript acceptance. Send manuscripts, you pencil-necked language geeks.❦पा
New Book! Coming soon in our world-renowned Antimetabole Linguistics Enterprise, The Historicity of Texts and the Textuality of History, by the two noted scholars of historical sociopragmatic discourse analysis, Edgartina Olláphersen and Olafrinia Etkarzön, to be published in 2009 2010.❦पा
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Panini Press in Need of Manuscripts (August 2009): Despite the best efforts of those dogs at Psammeticus Press to have us hounded out of the pages of Speculative Grammarian, and to have our noble press, committed solely to the betterment of Linguistics, run into the ground, we are still hoping for your manuscripts!❦पा
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Panini Press Call for Manuscripts (May 2009): Panini Press, a newly-opened publishing house solely devoted to the betterment of the noble field of Linguistics, would like to remind linguists of all theoretical persuasions that there is no longer a need to stoop to the level of Cambridge or Benjamins when you have results to share with the world.❦पा
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We proudly announce the formation of a new publishing house, Panini Press (March 2009): Solely devoted to the advancement of knowledge in the noble field of Linguistics, Panini Press promises to offer only the finest in linguistic publications. We promise never to stoop to the level of so-called academic publishers such as Psammeticus Press.❦पा |