Conferences in
In response to the rise of articles on the translation of names in Harry Potter and the newly jiggly emerging field of Pokémonastics, Speculative Grammarian and Panini Press are proud to announce a whole new series of conferences on Nerdolinguistics. They are as follows:
- Memes for the Old: How and Why the Young Find Humor in Meaningless Internet Drivel
- Guest speakers: Pew D. Πι
- Virtual Login, Mobile Devices Only; Recording Available in 2018
- Beyond The Hysterical Cackle: Perspectives on the Morphosyntax of 70’s TV Laugh Tracks
- Guest speakers: Laverne, Shirley, Kotter, Gilligan, Sanford, & Fonzie
- The Back Lot, Hollywood; January 2018
- Bitcoin and CompLing: The Pragmatics of Funding a Mining Rig with NLP Grant Money
- Guest Speakers: H. Æsc, Beel “Zebub” O’Ktshain, and Satoshi Nakamoto
- Tokyo; February 2018
- The Semantics of Swearing at That One Block in Tetris
- Guest speakers: Prof. Ivor Sorethumb and Dr. B. Tonmasher
- Paris; March 2018
- Synesthesia-Driven Success: How Acronymic Color Perception Enabled OT to Supplant Autosegmentalism
- Guest speakers: Roy G. Biv, Berlin & Kay
- Somewhere Over the Rainbow; March 2018
- Standard Dialects are Right Out: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Monty Python Movies
- Guest speakers: French Persons
- Aaaaaagh; March 2018
- Systematic Differences Between Authors’ Names and Point of View Characters’ Names in Fan Fiction
- Guest Speakers: Mary Sue Doe and Gary Stu Roe
- Manhattan, KS; April 2018
- Get GoT!: Musicology, Ethnolinguistics, and Songs of Ice and Fire
- Guest Speakers: Jon One-Hundred-Words-For and Lord I. Mp
- King’s Landing; May 2018
- Super Mario Morphology in the Light of Grimm’s Laws
- Guest Speakers: Dr. Imma Plumber and Prof. K. Art
- Tokyo; June 2018
- Selling Syntax: Examining the Marketing Campaigns Behind the Rise and Fall of Theories of Syntax
- Guest speakers: P.T. Barnum
- Madison Avenue; June 2018
- Theoretical Maximum Polysemy—I Am Groot, I Am Groot, I Am Groot; I Am Groot
- Guest Speakers: I Am Groot, I Am Groot, and I Am Groot
- I Am Groot; I Am Groot 2018
- Aphasia and Programming in C and C# Late at Night When You Really Need a Coffee
- Guest Speakers: That Guy, You Know Him! and The Woman with the Thing in the Whatdyamacallit
- Somewhere nice, it’ll come back to me
- Reddit, Seddit, Herddit: Orality and Literacy on the Front Page of the Internet
- Guest Speakers: S. Noo, N. Arwhal, B. Acon, and M. Idnnight
- San Francisco; July 2018
- The Most Esteemed Month for Satirical Linguistics
- Guest Speakers: Butch McBastard and various disposable interns
- SpecGram Towers; August 2018
- Noice! Terry Loves NYC Dialects
- Guest Speakers: Kevin Cozner and Paul Sneed
- Brooklyn; September-September 2018
- Elvish Impersonation After Lord of the Rings Exposure
- Guest Speakers: Prof J. R. Tall-Keane, Prof P. R. Cious, and L. A. Svegas
- London; October 2018
- Cubistics: Towards a Three-Dimensional Combinatorial Morphology
- Guest Speaker: Roob Ickurnoh
- Budapest; November 2018
- Meme Morphology and Feline Linguistics
- Guest Speakers: General Prof Dr Tabby the Mighty, Ruler of the Sofa and He Who Must be Fed Biscuits, Dr L. O’lcat
- Your Lap; Just When You Need the Toilet 2018
- Differences in Klingon-American and Klingon-British Naming Customs
- Guest Speaker: tu'lu'be' jay'
- Qo'noS; nay'Poq 2018
- The Semiotics of Football Commentary in FIFA, Championship Manager and Premier Manager
- Guest speakers: John Notson and Des Lineham
- Your Mum’s Basement; December 2001–2018
- Applied Klatchian Syntax
- Guest speakers: T. E. Pratt-Chett and Sam. E. Vines
- Ankh-Morpork; December 2018
- The Dating Habits of Conlangers, Sociolinguists, Prescriptivists, and Other Ne’er-Do-Wells
- Guest speakers: N. E. T’flix, C. Hill, and N. O’Dates
- Wherever They Are, All Alone; All of 2018