A Minim of Wine and a Minim of Confusion for Maximal Contusion—Artemus Zebulon Pratt SpecGram Vol CLXXXI, No 1 Contents Obituary—Velma Hortensia Schleppengruber

2018 Conferences in Nerdolinguistics

In response to the rise of articles on the translation of names in Harry Potter and the newly jiggly emerging field of Pokémonastics, Speculative Grammarian and Panini Press are proud to announce a whole new series of conferences on Nerdolinguistics. They are as follows:

A Minim of Wine and a Minim of Confusion for Maximal ContusionArtemus Zebulon Pratt
ObituaryVelma Hortensia Schleppengruber
SpecGram Vol CLXXXI, No 1 Contents