P s a m m e t i c u s Q u a r t e r l y
Volume XVI, Number 1
November 1988
Dedicated to the first and purest of linguistic
inquirers. One might criticize his methods, but who could
quibble with his results?
From the Editors
Viewer Mail
Letters to the Editors
Linguistic News
Panel Discussion Announcement
Greater Lansing Linguistics Association
Pictures of Lily (Cartoon)
Alessandro Filipepi
Granular Phonology
Keith Slater
A Stratificational Approach to Making Macaroni and Cheese
Tim Pulju
Back to Basics: The Real Truth About Language
Dave Kathman
Call for Papers
International Dolphin Linguistics Society
Call for Papers
Psammeticus Quarterly
Speculative Grammarian
Psammeticus Quarterly