Volume CLXXX,
Number 2
December 2017
ISSN: 1938-0720
Selections from
Linguistics is Kind and The Binary Riders and Other Lines
Found among the papers of Stephen Crane by Keith Slater
Letters to the Editor
Linguimericks, Etc.
Book ४६
That Tenured Man
Found among the papers of Dr. Theodor Geisel by Sheri Wells-Jensen
Conference Report: Educational Technology in the Linguistics Classroom
Proper Phonetic Pedagogy: Field Notes from a Laboratory Science
Jacob Bartholomew Pine
Teaching Historical Linguistics: A Program of Much-
Needed Reform
Lea Kim Shopmont
Master Course Syllabus Revision
Fall 2020
LING 950: Dank Senior Semiotics: You Can Even!
Linguistics 101 Course Syllabus
Fall 2097
University of Coastal Florida, Orlando Island Campus
Rosetta Stein
German Language Delivery System
Teaching, a Toad, and the Perils of Linear Precedence
Gobemouche Zounderkite, Ph.D.
The Logic of Teaching Linguistics
Ulfheðnar ber Sarkur
Speculative Grammarian