The Cover SpecGram Archives

Speculative Grammarian

Volume CLXX, Number 3

July 2014

ISSN: 1938-0720

Encrypted Missives from the CosmosA Letter from Associate Editor Jonathan Downie
Letters to the Editor
Linguistics Nerd CampBethany Carlson
LinguimericksBook १०
From the Archives!Jungftak FeathersThe SpecGram Archive Elves™
Abundant Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t KnowMadalena Cruz-Ferreira
Thirteen Untranslatable WordsMichael Covarrubias
The SpecGram InquisitionPete Bleackleywith Inquisitor Generalis Jonathan Downie
Dreaming in RA Psycholinguistical Statistical Reverie“Doc” Yoomin Terrean
Decrypt the Missives from the Cosmos—A Puzzle in Many PartsTrey Jones