The Cover SpecGram Archives

Speculative Grammarian

Volume CLXIV, Number 1

February 2012

ISSN: 1938-0720

It’s the Independent Scholar’s Life for Me, Boyo!A Letter from Editor-on-the-Lam Artemus Zebulon Pratt, PhD
Letters to the Editor
The “Slater Method” of Linguistic FieldworkH.D. Onesimus
Rotokan RevelationsFranny Irchow
The Collected Wisdom of Linguists, Part ΑThe SpecGram Council of Sages
Ruminating on ConsonantsWerinda Clover
The No. 1 Linguists’ Detective AgencyKeith Slater
The Most Amazing Linguistic Concert Event of the 21st CenturyThe SpecGram Promotional Board
A Poem PuzzleBryan Allen