Entymologist Looking For Entymologist For Kinky Apprenticeship

Moi everyone. I’m Ali. I’m damn uptight about being here. I daren’t expect this should go nicely.

I’m originally from Cochin, India. These days Palembang, Indonesia is where I live and work. It has been a not so distressing opportunity to become acclimated to; this area is more crowded than I feared it could be. It goes without saying I would probably love to be sitting back around Edmonton, Canada or Nuku’alofa, Tonga, where I usually go geyser gazing, add to my gemstone collection, and do fieldwork on Mongolian and the least interesting language I know of, Nahali, as well as quilt.

My real job is as a goatherd. I’m an obstinate recreational linguist. I hope in due course to transliterate perplexing Low Saxon materials using an applied iso-pyro-etymology opti-principle.

I’ve included a snapshot, taken by my pal Lynwood, of me at my nephew Randall’s retirement party.

Though they seem to evolve over time, I have had a few recreations and leisure pursuits all through my life. Now I like to talk to the most famous speaker of Korwa, go rollerblading, learn foreign languages, like Kodava Takk, and research my family’s ancestors.

Talk to you later!


Link here: SpecGram Personals #M942181

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