As they say in Komi-Zyrian, ûodrẽerlirzwang! I’m Loyd Gresham-Ingram. It is brilliant to be trying this.
My possessions live in Helsinki, Finland. I would much rather be entertaining friends in the vicinity of Iraq or the US Virgin Islands, where I must go hill walking.
I’ve included a photo, taken by my best friend Andres, of me from about this time of year four years ago.
I’m an over-used distinguished professore for a terrific comprehensive elementary school in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. My most esteemed titles have been written about Quechua. Most-liked workbooks of mine include Rational right-brained generative Morphology for the Tearful Descriptive Syntactician and Accessible Innate documentary Sociolinguistics in Danish. My most famous research has been in simulo-lingu-neuro-semantics.
I have had innumerable pastimes and passions all through my life span, however they seem to transform with time. At the moment I like to talk to the last native speaker of Teso, and learn a little more the best language I know, Spanish.
God be with ye!!
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