What’s up y’all? My name is Aubrey.
I make my living as a fellmonger. I am a part-time linguist. My aspiration in the future is to write literary linguistics treatises for Linguistorbian y Semanticianuust.
Idaho was once my home. As of recently I call Dominica my home. My family anticipates that this is an arduous opportunity to become acclimated to. That said, this district is more loud than I imagined it to be. I would unquestionably much rather be loving life near Ahvaz, Iran or Trenton, New Jersey, where I have the good fortune to study the most complex language I know of, Tregami, go trekking, do origami, and go bouldering.
This’s a photo of me doing what I love to do.
I like to learn foreign languages, like the most complex language I know, Dunia, learn a little more Aramaic, and go bouldering, too.
Auf wiedersehen!
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