Divorced Discourse Analyst Seeks Married Semantician For Friendship

Hola! I’m Chris Malik Ebertska.

For fun I also like to learn a little more Mehri, and do fieldwork on Khmu or Azerbaijani.

I have put down roots in Burkina Faso. I would rather be slowing down near Peshawar, Pakistan; or lounging in Novosibirsk, Russia.

I have included a picture, taken by my associate Zita, of me at my nephew Rodger’s wedding.

I like stratificational sociolinguistics, anthropological syntax, and stylo-theo-comparative semantics, chiefly as it concerns Comorian. I’ve penned more than sixty-one publications, including Selective Fundamentals of Pragmatics and Tender Heli-Philology in Molengue. I am an unheard of vakinainen hoofddocent at an online prepatory school in Oslo, Norway.



Link here: SpecGram Personals #M711068

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