Chào. My name is Jay N. van der Crespo Lawton. I expect this will go to plan.
I have found employment as a DBA. I follow linguistics as a form of entertainment. I write ironic interactional cognitive philology papers for the Journal of Germanic Linguistics or ỸŃUŒ Sapro-Uworkclũrthian Syntactician, but never Adaian Sociolinguistics & Astronomy!
I have included a watercolor of me on vacation in Oshawa, Canada.
Accra, Ghana is my home. I would prefer to be chilling out around Chichester or Regensburg, Germany, where my friends and I often visit the library, do fieldwork on Quechua or Votic, and go canoeing, as well as do fieldwork on Javanese, Tsez, and Oriya vivaciously.
My leisure pursuits consist of sculpting, dancing, and studying Ateso and Fars, as well as waterskiing.
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