Atenção!! Look At This!!

‘sup everyone? I’m Otha.

I call Chile my home, and I abhore it. I would wish to be near Ecuador or Cyprus.

I’m not literally a grammarian. I write major linguistics essays for Linguistica Atlantica. Also, in my free time I have been constructing a logographic systyem with an abnormal stratificational sociolinguistics principle for my own diversion, loosely descended from Dida, Lao, and Iraqw. I work as a mintmaster.

I have included a snap of me from the fall of 2003.

I have had some enthusiasms and pastimes across my life span, though they seem to adjust with the times. Now I like to go climbing, go canoeing, and learn foreign languages, like Dolgan.

Do svidanja!!


Link here: SpecGram Personals #M66959

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