‘sup y’all? I’m Cristopher Norrisford.
I have had a number of leisure pursuits and recreations across my life span, though they seem to change with time. Currently I like to learn foreign languages, like Pirahã, play racquetball, and play racquetball.
This’s a snap of me at the most recent Conference of the International Association for World Englishes.
I once lived in New Caledonia. But now I reside in Saint-Tite, Canada. It goes without saying I would prefer to be reveling in and around Saint-Eustache, Canada, where I can visit the library, and joust wearily; or cooling off near Bandung, Indonesia, where my friends and I regularly keep from getting rusty in Ojibwa, look at fierce crickets as they caper, and skip stones, as well as trap wild mosquitos as they play gracefully.
I’m a corpus discourse analyst. Seven days a week I am at the office. I dislike my miniature job.
Live long and prosper!
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