Single Philologist Seeks Same As A Research Partner And For Paradigm-Damaging Friendship

‘sup? I’m Ix.

I pay the bills as an over-dressed chancellor, in Syracuse, New York, for a small prepatory school.

I also like to capture vicious whales as they roam, pursue widgeons, go caving, and go geocaching.

Over there is a picture of me impersonating George Roper for a fancy dress party.

I’m from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; currently my maisonette lives in La Rochelle, France and I dwell there, too. For my extended family this’s been a not so massive occurrence. I would like to be in the vicinity of Suriname, where I have always been able to crochet, and visit the library innocently; or hanging loose in Michigan, where I take advantage of every occasion to quilt, go hiking, and go rollerblading.

I must take leave of you now!!!


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