Single Philologist Seeking A New Friend

Szervusztok everyone. My name is Jamar Îörgaĕẽŕḭûzsomn Quinn. So far it has been mighty loverly to be here. I am afraid to have a hunch this will go well.

My parents came from Côte d’Ivoire; after my last relocation I have established myself in Montreal, Canada. To me this’s been a basic adjustment. As you would expect I would love to be hanging out in and around Bari, Italy or İzmir, Turkey, where I often learn foreign languages, like Venda, visit museums, and paint landscapes, as well as go swimming.

Though they seem to change over time, I have had some pastimes and recreations across my time on earth. At the moment I like to follow wild mice, play role-playing games, hunt rocks, and skip stones.

My up-to-date fields of investigation include anthropological sociolinguistics and tagmemic stylo-sociolinguistics, substantially in Ladakhi. I’ve less than forty workbooks to my name. My most noted books include A Supreme Review of Exuberant Concerns about Lexical Sociolinguistics. I am an extraordinary dean during the non-summer trimesters, for a prominent land-grant grammar school in Stoke-on-Trent.

To strut my stuff a bit, here is a drawing of me at my very first book signing.

Bis später!!!


Link here: SpecGram Personals #M322411

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